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简单的Spring MVC +安全设置

[英]Simple Spring MVC+security setup

I am trying to set up a simple spring mvc / spring security webapp, but I can't seem to find the way to accomplish this: 我正在尝试建立一个简单的spring mvc / spring security webapp,但是我似乎找不到实现此目的的方法:

  1. I'd like to use the normal @Secured annotations, and if the user isn't logged in I'd like them to be redirected to the login page, and back to where they were (this is normal behaviour which I've managed to accomplish) 我想使用普通的@Secured批注,如果用户未登录,我希望将它们重定向到登录页面,然后再返回到原来的位置(这是我管理的正常行为去完成)
  2. I'd like the login form to be my own controller/template pair (also common and accomplished). 我希望登录表单是我自己的控制器/模板对(也是常见的且已完成)。
  3. I'd like the login form above to submit to my own controller which will authenticate the user credentials against my backend restful service. 我希望上面的登录表单提交到我自己的控制器,该控制器将针对我的后端静态服务验证用户凭据。 It then receives a security token back from the service. 然后,它从服务返回安全令牌。 At this point I'd like to manually flag the session as authenticated authenticated and attach the token to it. 在这一点上,我想手动将会话标记为已通过身份验证,并将令牌附加到该会话。

How do I go about implementing the last stage? 我该如何执行最后一个阶段?

I am not sure if I understand your question fully, but if I understand it correctly, you can perhaps extend AbstractPreAuthenticatedProcessingFilter and override getPreAuthenticatedPrincipal and getPreAuthenticatedCredentials with calls to your restful service/controller etc. The override AuthenticationUserDetailsService and probide a simple service, and add that your security context, like this: 我不确定我是否完全理解您的问题,但是如果我理解正确,则可以扩展AbstractPreAuthenticatedProcessingFilter并使用对您的宁静服务/控制器等的调用覆盖getPreAuthenticatedPrincipal和getPreAuthenticatedCredentials。重写AuthenticationUserDetailsS​​ervice并提供简单的服务,并添加您的安全上下文,如下所示:

<beans:bean id="preauthAuthProvider"
    <beans:property name="preAuthenticatedUserDetailsService">
        <beans:bean class="com.YourCompany.YourPreAuthenticatedGrantedAuthoritiesUserDetailsService"></beans:bean>
    <beans:property name="order" value="1"/>

<authentication-manager alias="authenticationManager" >
    <authentication-provider ref="preauthAuthProvider" ></authentication-provider>

OK the answer is basically: OK,答案基本上是:


However to be able to use it in the scenario I described above where the Spring MVC controller controls the authentication process, a few other things need to be done: 但是,要能够在上面所述的Spring MVC控制器控制身份验证过程的场景中使用它,还需要做一些其他事情:

  1. You must either use one of the available Impls of Authentication or create one. 您必须使用一种可用的身份验证标识或创建一个。 I found it best to subclass AbstractAuthenticationToken. 我发现最好继承AbstractAuthenticationToken。
  2. Spring security won't start up without an authentication manager which isn't used in this scenario, so I created a null authentication manager: 没有这种情况下不使用的身份验证管理器,Spring安全将无法启动,因此我创建了一个空身份验证管理器:

     @Service("nullAuthenticationProvider") public class NullAuthenticationProvider implements AuthenticationProvider { @Override public Authentication authenticate(Authentication authentication) throws AuthenticationException { return authentication; } @Override public boolean supports(Class<?> authentication) { return true; } } 
  3. And finally the spring context.xml: 最后是spring context.xml:

     <security:global-method-security secured-annotations="enabled" /> <security:http disable-url-rewriting="true"> <security:access-denied-handler error-page="/login" /> <security:form-login login-page="/login" /> </security:http> <security:authentication-manager> <security:authentication-provider ref='nullAuthenticationProvider'/> </security:authentication-manager> 

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