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[英]How to clear text inside text field when radio button is select

Currently I have this radio buttons 目前我有这个单选按钮

  1. Eletronics 普电子
  2. Computers 电脑
  3. Others 其他

What I am trying to do is, if radio button Others is selected, I would like to display an input text field and let the user type. 我想要做的是,如果选中单选按钮Others ,我想显示一个输入文本字段,让用户输入。

What I would like to do is, when I select Others and type something inside the input field, then when I choose back to Eletronics or Computers , I would like to clear the text that I wrote inside input field. 我想做的是,当我选择Others并在输入字段中输入内容时,当我选择回EletronicsComputers ,我想清除我在输入字段中写的文本。

Please kindly provide me with the solution of JavaScript or jQuery. 请为我提供JavaScript或jQuery的解决方案。

Here is my code sample. 这是我的代码示例。 Please kindly check it: http://jsfiddle.net/dnGKM/ 请检查一下: http//jsfiddle.net/dnGKM/


$('input:radio').on('click', function() {
    if($(this).attr('id') == 'others') {
        $('#showhide').css('opacity', 1.0);
   } else {
       $('#showhide').css('opacity', 0).find('input:text#others_text').val('');


You can use this: 你可以用这个:


to clear the input field. 清除输入字段。

Please add below code of line in your code: 请在您的代码中添加以下代码行:

document.getElementById("others_text").value = '';

now its look like: 现在看起来像:

document.getElementById("others").addEventListener("click", function()
    document.getElementById("others_text").value = '';
    document.getElementById("showhide").style.opacity = 1;
}, false);
document.getElementById("computers").addEventListener("click", function()
    document.getElementById("showhide").style.opacity = 0;
}, false);
document.getElementById("electronics").addEventListener("click", function()
    document.getElementById("showhide").style.opacity = 0;
}, false);​

This would be helpful for you. 这对你有帮助。

You add the jQuery tag to your question, so that should do the trick using jQuery :) 你将jQuery标记添加到你的问题,所以这应该使用jQuery :)


.hidden {
    display: none;


<label for="electronics">Electronics</label>
<input type="radio" id="electronics" name="rdbutton" />
<label for="computers">Computers</label>
<input type="radio" id="computers" name="rdbutton" />
<label for="others">Others</label>
<input type="radio" id="others" name="rdbutton" />
<input type="text" id="others-text" name="others-text" class="hidden" />


$(function() {
    $('input[type="radio"]').click(function() {
        if($(this).attr('id') == 'others') {
        } else {

Try with this Solution: 试试这个解决方案:

$(function() {
      $('input[type="radio"]').click(function() {
       if($(this).attr('id') == 'others') {
       } else {

Here there is a JSFiddle link: 这里有一个JSFiddle链接:

http://jsfiddle.net/dnGKM/4/ http://jsfiddle.net/dnGKM/4/

===============HTML =============== HTML

<input type="radio" name="rdo" value="1" checked="checked" />Electronics
<input type="radio" name="rdo" value="2" />Computers
<input type="radio" name="rdo" value="3" />Others

===============jQuery ===============的jQuery

  $('input[name=rdo]').change(function() {
         var a = $(this).val();
         if (a != 3) {

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