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[英]Load phtml content in custom viewhelper?

In my main layout.phtml i've included a custom viewhelper. 在我的主要layout.phtml文件中,我包含了一个自定义的viewhelper。 The viewhelper has lot of static html content and returns it to the layout. viewhelper具有大量静态html内容,并将其返回到布局。

Is there a way that the viewhelper loads this html content from an external phtml file? 有没有一种方法可以使viewhelper从外部phtml文件加载此html内容?

Abstract example: 抽象示例:

<?php echo $this->viewHelperGiveMeHtml();  ?> //<div>Foobar</div>

class Zend_View_Helper_ViewHelperGiveMeHtml extends Zend_View_Helper_Abstract{

    public function viewHelperGiveMeHtml(){
        return retrieveHtmlFromPhtml('foobar.phtml');  //how can i load an phtml? file

public function viewHelperGiveMeHtml(){

Brief explanation: 简要说明:

When you're calling view helper $this->viewHelperGiveMeHtml(); 调用视图助手时, $this->viewHelperGiveMeHtml(); inside view, Zend_View initialise given helper class and passes itself using Zend_View_Helper_Abstract::setView method. 在内部视图中, Zend_View初始化给定的帮助器类,并使用Zend_View_Helper_Abstract::setView方法传递自身。

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