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[英]Drop-down input field

I would like to add a similar drop-down input field (picture below), to my website. 我想在我的网站上添加一个类似的下拉输入字段(如下图所示)。 I want it to appear when a link/image/button is clicked on. 我希望它在单击链接/图像/按钮时出现。 Can this be done with JavaScript? 可以用JavaScript完成吗? Also, I don't want it to affect the flow of the page. 另外,我不希望它影响页面的流量。


Can this be done with JavaScript? 可以用JavaScript完成吗?

Yes. 是。 The JavaScript/CSS equivalent would be a button which (when clicked) displayed an element with position: fixed or position: absolute . JavaScript / CSS等效项是一个按钮,当(单击时)显示一个元素,其position: fixedposition: absolute

Here is a simple example using jQuery: http://jsfiddle.net/Byujd/1/ 这是一个使用jQuery的简单示例: http//jsfiddle.net/Byujd/1/

This is a bit complex. 这有点复杂。

HTML & Default Styles HTML和默认样式

You need an element which is displayed above the content: 您需要一个显示在内容上方的元素:

<div class="modal">
  <!-- Some content like textarea and stuff -->

Now you can style this box with the position -property and other things: 现在,您可以使用position -property和其他内容position此框的样式:

.modal {
  position: absolute;
  z-index: 999;

This now displays above the rest of the content. 现在显示在其余内容之上。

Some jQuery-Goodness 一些jQuery-Goodness

The button just needs a listener. 按钮只需要一个监听器。 With jQuery this looks something like this: 使用jQuery,它看起来像这样:

$('.the-buttons-class').click( function (e) {

A better way 一个更好的方法

Instead of toggling the state of the modal with jQuery's toggle() -function you could toggle a class on it and manipulate the state accordingly: 而不是使用jQuery的toggle()函数toggle()模态的状态,您可以在其上切换一个类并相应地操作状态:


.modal {
  display: none;

.modal.shown {
  display: block;


$('.the-buttons-class').click( function (e) {

Moar Moar

I've done something pretty similar at my page . 我在我的页面上做了一些非常相似的事情。 Make sure to check the search box. 务必检查搜索框。 The code for it is on GitHub . 它的代码在GitHub上

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