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ASP.NET MVC 3,代码优先EF:原始值?

[英]ASP.NET MVC 3, Code-First EF: OriginalValues?

My code seems straightforward: 我的代码似乎很简单:

bool rv = false;
var results = from user in Users
            where user.userName.Equals(newUser.userName)
            select user;
if (results.Count() == 0)
    rv = true;
return rv;

But this causes a DbEntityValidationException with an inner exception value that says: OriginalValues cannot be used for entities in the Added state. 但这会导致DbEntityValidationException带有内部异常值,该值表示: OriginalValues cannot be used for entities in the Added state.

...What does that even mean? ...那有什么意思? The only thing I can think of is that newUser shows a value of 0 for userID even though this has a private setter and userID , as a primary key, is supposed to be database-generated. 我唯一能想到的是, newUseruserID为私有设置者,它的userIDnewUser 0,而userID作为主键应该由数据库生成。 But if that were the problem, it would not be possible to simply use Add() to insert an object into any EF database ever. 但是,如果是问题所在,就不可能简单地使用Add()将对象插入到任何EF数据库中。 So I'm confused. 所以我很困惑。

Thanks in advance to anyone who can help shed some light on this. 在此先感谢任何可以帮助您对此有所了解的人。

ETA: newUser is created by the following code in my Controller: 预计newUser时间: newUser由我的控制器中的以下代码创建:

public ActionResult CreateRegistration(FormVMRegistration newRegistration)
    //draw info from form and add a new user to repository
    User newUser = new User();
    newUser.userName = newRegistration.userName;
    newUser.screenName = newRegistration.screenName;
    newUser.password = newRegistration.usersPW;

    bool addSuccess = userRep.Add(newUser);

FormVMRegistration is just a ViewModel with nothing but string properties, to convey data from the Regiostration form to the Controller. FormVMRegistration只是一个ViewModel,仅具有字符串属性,用于将数据从Regiostration表单传送到Controller。 userRep is my User Repository. userRep是我的用户存储库。

I think it comes from the fact that you're using the newUser object before it is saved. 我认为这是由于您在保存newUser对象之前就在使用它。 Try to change this line 尝试更改此行

bool addSuccess = userRep.Add(newUser);


bool addSuccess = userRep.Add(newUser, newRegistration.userName);

and then (given passedUserName is a passed name from above) change your linq query to: 然后(鉴于passedUserName是上面的传递名称),将您的linq查询更改为:

var results = from user in Users
        where user.userName.Equals(passedUserName)
        select user;

Good luck! 祝好运!

As near as can be determined, the problem seems to have stemmed from "deep" references to objects, or references to references. 可以确定的是,问题似乎源于对对象的“深层”引用或对引用的引用。 IOW, class Foo made a reference to class Bar which made a reference to class Baz which made a reference to class Foo... and apparently EF doesn't like this so much, because it's not easy to validate. IOW,Foo类引用了Bar类,而Bar类引用了Baz类,后者引用了Foo类……显然,EF不太喜欢这种方式,因为它不容易验证。

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