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[英]how to add jquery-fileupload plugin

I have used carrierwave and followed the link But not able make it like demo of jquery-fileupload link 我已经使用了载波并遵循了链接,但是无法使其像jquery-fileupload演示的链接

Can anyone guide me where to place the files of js file and images and how to include javascript in html. 谁能指导我在哪里放置js文件和图像文件,以及如何在html中包含javascript。

if any tutorial or example of Rails, that will be great... Thanks 如果有任何Rails教程或示例,那将很棒...谢谢

Different people have different opinion about where it is OK to keep the files. 对于可以将文件保存在何处,不同的人有不同的看法。 Generally, 通常,

  1. Javascript are kept in js or script JavaScript保留在jsscript
  2. Images are kept in img or images or media 图像保存在imgimagesmedia

Including JS on the HTML is done as this 这样就可以在HTML中包含JS

<script type='text/javascript' src='path/to/jsfile.js'></script>

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