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[英]Need more than one of the same jQuery effect on same page

So I'm using this jquery background scroller, basically I want to get more than two on the same page (going at different speeds) and I can't figure out how to do it. 所以我正在使用这个jquery后台滚动器,基本上我想在同一页面上获得两个以上(以不同的速度运行),但我不知道该怎么做。

http://www.devirtuoso.com/2009/07/how-to-build-an-animated-header-in-jquery/ http://www.devirtuoso.com/2009/07/how-to-build-an-animated-header-in-jquery/

var scrollSpeed = 70;       // Speed in milliseconds
var step = 1;               // How many pixels to move per step
var current = 0;            // The current pixel row
var imageHeight = 4300;     // Background image height
var headerHeight = 300;     // How tall the header is.

//The pixel row where to start a new loop
var restartPosition = -(imageHeight - headerHeight);

function scrollBg(){

    //Go to next pixel row.
    current -= step;

    //If at the end of the image, then go to the top.
    if (current == restartPosition){
        current = 0;

    //Set the CSS of the header.
    $('#header').css("background-position","0 "+current+"px");


//Calls the scrolling function repeatedly
var init = setInterval("scrollBg()", scrollSpeed);

I can add in other css to the script but I want a different speed for other divs. 我可以在脚本中添加其他CSS,但我希望其他div的速度有所不同。

@andy, here is Tom Th's idea worked up; @andy,这是Tom Th的想法付诸实践的; ie a js constructor function, from which you can instantiate multiple instances : 即一个js构造函数,您可以从中实例化多个实例:

function bgScroller(options) {
    var settings = {
        containerID: '', //id of the scroller's containing element
        scrollSpeed: 50, //Speed in milliseconds
        step: 1, //How many pixels to move per step
        imageHeight: 0, //Background image height
        headerHeight: 0, //How tall the header is.
        autoStart: true
    if(options) {
        jQuery.extend(settings, options);
    var current = 0, // The current pixel row
        restartPosition = -(settings.imageHeight - settings.headerHeight), //The pixel row where to start a new loop 
        interval = null,
        $container = jQuery('#' + settings.containerID),
        that = {};
    if(!$container.length || !settings.imageHeight || !settings.headerHeight) {
        return false; //nothing will work without these settings so let's not even try
    function setBg() {
        $container.css("background-position", "0 " + current + "px");
    function scrollBg(){
        current -= settings.step;//Go to next pixel row.
        //If at the end of the image, then go to the top.
        if (current <= restartPosition){
            current = 0;
    that.reset = function() {
        current = 0;
    that.start = function() {
        interval = setInterval(scrollBg, settings.scrollSpeed);
    that.stop = function(){
    if(settings.autoStart) {
    return that;

Parameters are passed as properties of an object literal "map", overriding the hard-coded defaults in the constructor. 参数作为对象文字“ map”的属性传递,覆盖了构造函数中的硬编码默认值。 For any parameters not included, the default values will be used. 对于未包含的任何参数,将使用默认值。 Here's a couple of examples : 这里有几个例子:

var headerScroller = new bgScroller({
    containerID: "header",
    scrollSpeed: 70, //Speed in milliseconds
    imageHeight: 4300, //Background image height
    headerHeight: 300, //How tall the header is.
var otherScroller = new bgScroller({
    containerID: "myOtherDiv",
    scrollSpeed: 30, //Speed in milliseconds
    imageHeight: 2800, //Background image height
    headerHeight: 200, //How tall the header is.

I have included three public methods; 我包括了三种公共方法; .reset() , .start() and .stop() , which provide limited control over scrollers after instantiation. .reset() .start().stop()其提供了优于实例化之后的滚动条有限的控制。 Use as follows: 用法如下:

  • headerScroller.stop();
  • headerScroller.reset();
  • headerScroller.start();

Notes: 笔记:

  • Working demo here . 在这里工作演示。
  • Dependencies: jQuery 1.0 or later 依赖关系:jQuery 1.0或更高版本
  • .reset() calls .stop() automatically so there's no need to call .stop() beforehand. .reset()自动调用.stop()因此无需事先调用.stop()
  • No provision is made for changing settings after instantiation but this would be possible with a little more thought. 实例化后没有提供更改设置的准备,但是稍加思考便可以实现。
  • jQuery plugin would be similar but would take a little more time to develop (with little advantage). jQuery插件将类似,但是需要花费更多的时间来开发(几乎没有优势)。

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