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[英]Embed FLV as a specific class in FLEX

In the Flash Authoring Tool, I can embed an FLV file as any class I wish as long as the class is a child of MovieClip . 在Flash创作工具中,只要该类是MovieClip的子类,就可以将FLV文件嵌入任何所需的类中。 This is achieved by selecting the "Export for ActionScript" option and entering a MovieClip-extending "Base Class" . 这是通过选择“为ActionScript导出”选项并输入MovieClip扩展的“基本类”来实现的

I need to achieve this with Flex too. 我也需要使用Flex来实现。 How can I embed an FLV and make it be a MovieClip-extending class? 如何嵌入FLV并使之成为MovieClip扩展类?

It sounds like you can't embed an FLV, based on these docs 根据这些文档 ,听起来您无法嵌入FLV

To Quote: 报价:

You can embed any file type in a Flex application as a bit map array. 您可以将任何文件类型作为位图数组嵌入到Flex应用程序中。 However, Flex does not recognize or process files other than those described previously. 但是,Flex不能识别或处理除上述文件以外的文件。 If you embed any other file type, you must provide the transcode logic to properly present it to the application user. 如果嵌入任何其他文件类型,则必须提供转码逻辑以将其正确呈现给应用程序用户。

It is even mentioned in the comments that this is a limitation. 甚至在评论中提到这是一个限制。 Your best bet, if possible, is to load the flv asset at runtime. 如果可能,最好的选择是在运行时加载flv资产。

In aN AIR app [including mobile] you can the FLX as part of your distribution and load it from there. 在AIR应用程序(包括移动设备)中,您可以将FLX作为分发的一部分并从中进行加载。 In a web app, just put it in the directory. 在Web应用程序中,只需将其放在目录中即可。

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