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[英]Convert instance of a parent class into its subclass

I've subclassed UIImage to create UIImageExtra. 我将UIImage子类化以创建UIImageExtra。 I have a method within UIImageExtra called adjustForResolution that adjusts the size of the UIImage. 我在UIImageExtra中有一个方法称为AdjustForResolution,用于调整UIImage的大小。 However I want it to return a UIImageExtra. 但是我希望它返回UIImageExtra。 I understand that I need to convert it but not exactly sure how. 我了解我需要对其进行转换,但不确定如何进行转换。 Basically, if I resize a UIImageExtra it becomes a UIImage. 基本上,如果我调整UIImageExtra的大小,它将变成UIImage。

Here is my UIImageExtra class: 这是我的UIImageExtra类:

    #import "UIImageExtra.h"
#import <objc/runtime.h>
#import "UIApplication+AppDimensions.h"

#define kOriginData     @"originData"

@implementation UIImageExtra

@synthesize originData;

+ (UIImageExtra *)imageNamed:(NSString *)imageName origin:(NSValue *)originData {
    NSString *path = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:imageName ofType:@""];
    UIImageExtra *imageExtra = [[UIImageExtra alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:path];
    imageExtra.originData = originData;
    return imageExtra;

- (id)initWithContentsOfFile:(NSString *)path {
    self = [super initWithContentsOfFile:path]; 
    if (self) {
        self = [self adjustForResolution];
    NSLog(@"Image description: %@", [self description]);
    return self;

- (id)adjustForResolution {
    //All images are sized for ipad3 (2048 x 1536), so determine scale factor by ratio
    CGSize screenSize = [UIApplication currentSize];
    double scalefactor = screenSize.width/2048;
    CGSize newSize = CGSizeMake(self.size.width*scalefactor, self.size.height*scalefactor);
    UIImage *scaledImage = [self imageByScalingAndCroppingForSize:newSize];
    return scaledImage;

- (id)imageByScalingAndCroppingForSize:(CGSize)targetSize
   //returns resized image


Would it be easier to make a class extension of UIImage to handle resizing then create a new class what inherits from NSObject to hold two UIImages.. One being the original UIImage and the other the resized copy? 创建UIImage的类扩展以处理调整大小,然后创建一个从NSObject继承来容纳两个UIImage的新类是否会更容易。一个是原始UIImage,另一个是调整大小的副本?

UIImage+Extra.h: UIImage + Extra.h:

#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>

@interface UIImage (Extra)



UIImage+Extra.m: UIImage + Extra.m:

#import "UIImage+Extra.h"

@implementation UIImage (Extra)

- (void)adjustForResolution {
      //All images are sized for ipad3 (2048 x 1536), so determine scale factor by ratio
      CGSize screenSize = [UIApplication currentSize];
      double scalefactor = screenSize.width/2048;
      CGSize newSize = CGSizeMake(self.size.width*scalefactor,self.size.height*scalefactor);
      [self imageByScalingAndCroppingForSize:newSize];


- (id)imageByScalingAndCroppingForSize:(CGSize)targetSize

      //instead of doing work to another object and returning it... Do it to self (UIimage)



Then on your custom NSObject class your init could so something like: 然后在您的自定义NSObject类上,您的init可能类似于:

#import "UIImage+Extra"



if (self) {

     originalImage = [UIImage imageNamed:@"theimage.png"];
     resizedImage = [UIImage imageNamed:@"theimage.png"];
     [resizedImage adjustForResolution];


Just typed that so there may be some typos but I hope it helps 刚刚键入,所以可能会有一些错别字,但我希望对您有所帮助

I think this is what you want to do: 我认为这是您想要做的:

- (id)initWithContentsOfFile:(NSString *)path {
    CGSize screenSize = [UIApplication currentSize];
    double scalefactor = screenSize.width/2048;
    if (scalefactor < 1) {
        UIImage *img = [UIImage imageWithContentsOfFile:path];
        CGSize newSize = CGSizeMake(img.size.width*scalefactor, img.size.height*scalefactor);
        CGContextRef c = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();

        [img drawInRect:(CGRect){CGPointZero, newSize}];
        CGImageRef scaledImage = CGBitmapContextCreateImage(c);
        self = [super initWithCGImage:scaledImage];
    }else {
        self = [super initWithContentsOfFile:path];
    return self;

The disadvantage of not using contensOfFile instead of initWithCGImage is, that the resulting image is not purgeable, so sooner or later you will get memory problems. 不使用contensOfFile而不是initWithCGImage的缺点是无法清除生成的图像,因此迟早会遇到内存问题。

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