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Facebook在AppEngine Python上“登录”(OAuth2)

[英]Facebook “Login” (OAuth2) on AppEngine Python

I have the following Handlers 我有以下处理程序

First the user calls this Handler and gets redirected to Facebook: 首先,用户调用此Handler并重定向到Facebook:

class LoginFacebookHandler(BasicHandler):
    def get(self):
        user = self.auth.get_user_by_session()
        if not user:
            h = hashlib.new('sha512')
            nonce = h.hexdigest()
            logging.info("hash "+str(nonce))
            memcache.set(str(nonce), True, 8600)
            #facebook_uri = "https://www.facebook.com/dialog/oauth?client_id=%s&redirect_uri=%s&state=%s&scope=%s" % ("20773", "http://upstrackapp.appspot.com/f", str(nonce), "email")
            data = {"client_id": 20773, "redirect_uri": "http://***.appspot.com/f", "state": str(nonce), "scope": "email"}
            facebook_uri = "https://www.facebook.com/dialog/oauth?%s" % (urllib.urlencode(data))

After he authorized my app facebook redirects to the redirect URI (Handler): 在他授权我的应用程序facebook重定向到重定向URI(处理程序)后:

class CreateUserFacebookHandler(BasicHandler):
    def get(self):
        state = self.request.get('state')
        code = self.request.get('code')
        logging.info("state "+state)
        logging.info("code "+code)
        if len(code) > 3 and len(state) > 3:
            cached_state = memcache.get(str(state))
            logging.info("cached_state "+str(cached_state))
            if cached_state:
                data = { "client_id": 20773, "redirect_uri": "http://***.appspot.com/f", "client_secret": "7f587", "code": str(code)}
                graph_url = "https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/access_token?%s" % (urllib.urlencode(data))
                logging.info("grph url "+graph_url)

                result = urlfetch.fetch(url=graph_url, method=urlfetch.GET)
                if result.status_code == 200:
                    fb_response = urlparse.parse_qs(result.content)
                    access_token = fb_response["access_token"][0]
                    token_expires = fb_response["expires"][0]
                    logging.info("access token "+str(access_token))
                    logging.info("token expires "+str(token_expires))
                    if access_token:
                        api_data = { "access_token": str(access_token)}
                        api_url = "https://graph.facebook.com/me?%s" % (urllib.urlencode(api_data))
                        logging.info("api url "+api_url)
                        api_result = urlfetch.fetch(url=api_url, method=urlfetch.GET)
                        if api_result.status_code == 200:
                            api_content = json.loads(api_result.content)
                            user_id = str(api_content["id"])
                            email = str(api_content["email"])
                            logging.info("user id "+str(user_id))
                            logging.info("email "+str(email))
                            h = hashlib.new('sha512')
                            password = h.hexdigest()
                            expire_data = datetime.now() + timedelta(seconds=int(token_expires))
                            user = self.auth.store.user_model.create_user(email, password_raw=password, access_token=access_token, token_expires=expire_data, fb_id=user_id)
                            self.response.write.out.write("error contacting the graph api")
                        self.response.out.write("access token not long enough")
                    self.response.out.write("error while contacting facebook server")
                self.response.out.write("error no cached state")
            self.response.out.write("error too short")

Mostly this works until the code tries to retrieve an access_token and I end up getting "error while contacting....". 大多数情况下,这可以工作,直到代码尝试检索access_token,我最终得到“联系时出错......”。 The funny thing is, that I log all URLs, states etc. so I go into my Logs, copy&paste the URL that urlfetch tried to open (fb api->access_token) paste it into my browser and voilà I get my access_token + expires. 有趣的是,我记录了所有的URL,状态等。所以我进入我的日志,复制并粘贴urlfetch试图打开的URL(fb api-> access_token)将其粘贴到我的浏览器中,然后我得到了access_token + expires。 The same thing happens sometimes when the code tries to fetch the user information from the graph (graph/me). 当代码尝试从图形中获取用户信息时,有时会发生同样的事情(graph / me)。

The key problem is not facebook. 关键问题不是Facebook。 It is the AppEngine deployment process. 这是AppEngine部署过程。 I always tested changes in the code live, not local, since the OAuth wouldn't properly work. 我总是测试代码中的更改,而不是本地,因为OAuth无法正常工作。 So the deployment -> flush casche -> flush database process seemed to have a certain delay causing artifacts to remain, which confused the code. 因此deployment -> flush casche -> flush database进程似乎有一定的延迟导致工件保留,这使代码混乱。

So if you have to test such things like OAuth live, I'd recommend deploying the changes as a new version of the app and after deployment you shall delete all data that could act as artifacts in the new version. 因此,如果您必须测试OAuth live这样的内容,我建议将更改部署为应用程序的新版本,并在部署之后删除所有可能在新版本中充当工件的数据。

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