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如何使用VisualStudio git扩展使用密码访问来访问远程存储库?

[英]How do I use VisualStudio git extensions to access remote repository using password access?

I have a remote git server that does not support registering a public key for authentication purposes and instead requires a password. 我有一个远程git服务器,不支持注册公钥用于身份验证,而是需要密码。 When pushing to this server via the command line, I can enter a password and it works OK. 通过命令行推送到此服务器时,我可以输入密码,它可以正常工作。

When I try to push to the same remote repository using Visual Studio with git extensions, the push just locks up as it is being asked for the password, but doesn't seem to be able to handle that. 当我尝试使用带有git扩展的Visual Studio推送到同一个远程存储库时,推送只是在被要求输入密码时锁定,但似乎无法处理。 I can't figure out where in the git extensions configuration I specify the password. 我无法弄清楚我在git扩展配置中指定密码的位置。

Am I missing the obvious?? 我错过了明显的?? If so, how do I configure the password? 如果是,我该如何配置密码? Or is it a case that git extensions only works with private/public key authentication? 或者git扩展仅适用于私钥/公钥认证?

Unfortunately that's a missing feature. 不幸的是,这是一个缺失的功能。 Git extensions only support private/public key authentication. Git扩展仅支持私钥/公钥认证。 You'll have to use the command line for https and password authentication. 您必须使用命令行进行https和密码身份验证。

Depending on your password and username, you may be able to use the username:password url format to access the repo over https thusly: 根据您的密码和用户名,您可以使用username:password url格式来访问https上的repo:


For example, if I access a github repo using that format with a password that works for that format (ie doesn't have ":" or "@" in it; there are probably other characters that would break it but those ones clearly will) I get read-write access to the repo over http(s). 例如,如果我使用该格式访问github仓库,其密码适用于该格式(即,其中没有“:”或“@”;可能还有其他字符可能会破坏它,但那些明显会)我通过http(s)获得对repo的读写访问权限。

Of course this is completely insecure, but in a pinch it should work. 当然这是完全不安全的,但是在紧要关头它应该有效。


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