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[英]How can I get System.Net.Http.HttpClient to not follow 302 redirects?

Using HttpClient from NuGet . 使用NuGet的HttpClient

The app sends a post with client.PostAsync(). 该应用程序使用client.PostAsync()发送帖子。 I'd like it to NOT follow 302 redirects. 我希望它不要遵循302重定向。

how? 怎么样?

I figure I can just set AllowAutoRedirect as described in this answer . 我想我可以按照这个答案中的描述设置AllowAutoRedirect

But how do I get the HttpWebRequest used within a PostAsync() call? 但是如何在PostAsync()调用中使用HttpWebRequest呢?

One of the overloads of the HttpClient constructor takes a WebRequestHandler argument. HttpClient构造函数的一个重载采用WebRequestHandler参数。 The HttpClient class uses this WebRequestHandler for sending requests. HttpClient类使用此WebRequestHandler发送请求。

The WebRequestHandler class provides a property called AllowAutoRedirect to configure the redirect behaviour. WebRequestHandler类提供了一个名为AllowAutoRedirect的属性来配置重定向行为。 Setting this property to false instructs the HttpClient to not follow redirect responses. 将此属性设置为false会指示HttpClient不遵循重定向响应。

Here is a small code sample: 这是一个小代码示例:

WebRequestHandler webRequestHandler = new WebRequestHandler();

webRequestHandler.AllowAutoRedirect = false;

HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient(webRequestHandler);

// Send a request using GetAsync or PostAsync

Task<HttpResponseMessage> response = httpClient.GetAsync("http://www.google.com");

To add to Hans' answer: 添加汉斯的回答:

WebRequestHandler derives from HttpClientHandler but adds properties that generally only are available on full .NET. WebRequestHandler派生自HttpClientHandler,但添加了通常仅在完整.NET上可用的属性。 The WebRequestHandler is not included in the System.Net.Http DLL but rather in System.Net.Http.WebRequest DLL so you have to explicitly include that as a reference in order to see it. WebRequestHandler不包含在System.Net.Http DLL中,而是包含在System.Net.Http.WebRequest DLL中,因此您必须明确地将其作为引用包含在内以便查看它。 Otherwise it won't show up. 否则它不会出现。

You can just spring for HttpClientHandler if you don't want to add new DLLs: 如果你不想添加新的DLL,你可以为HttpClientHandler加入:

    HttpClientHandler clientHandler = new HttpClientHandler();
    clientHandler.AllowAutoRedirect = false;

Reference: https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/henrikn/2012/08/07/httpclient-httpclienthandler-and-webrequesthandler-explained/ 参考: https//blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/henrikn/2012/08/07/httpclient-httpclienthandler-and-webrequesthandler-explained/

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