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[英]Converting InputStream data to different datatypes

I have been working with InputStreams in Objective-C and seem to have taken the wrong step into the processing of the received data. 我一直在使用Objective-C中的InputStreams,似乎在处理接收到的数据时采取了错误的步骤。

I am receiving chunks of bytes, which are read and converted to datatypes, as integers, floats, doubles etc. 我正在接收大块字节,这些字节被读取并转换为数据类型,如整数,浮点数,双精度数等。

So far my process is like this: 到目前为止,我的过程是这样的:

readBuffer = (uint8_t *) malloc(4);
memset(readBuffer, 0, 4);
while (length < byteLength) {
    length = [InputStream read:readBuffer 4];
[something fourByteUint8ToLong:readBuffer];

Now in order to do some converting from the 4-bytes to long 现在为了将4字节转换为long

- (long) fourByteUint8ToLong:(uint8_t *) buffer
    long temp = 0;
    temp |= buffer[0] & 0xFF;
    temp <<= 8;
    temp |= buffer[1] & 0xFF;
    temp <<= 8;
    temp |= buffer[2] & 0xFF;
    temp <<= 8;
    temp |= buffer[3] & 0xFF;
    return temp;

Is there not an easier way to handle this by using the objective-C classes? 有没有更简单的方法可以通过使用Objective-C类来解决此问题?

In that case how? 在那种情况下怎么办? 8-bytes -> double, 4-bytes -> float. 8字节->两倍,4字节->浮点数。

Thanks in advance. 提前致谢。

Problem solved by using CoreFoundation.h class function: 使用CoreFoundation.h类函数解决的问题:

uint8_t * buffer;
buffer = (uint8_t *) malloc(8);
double tempDouble = CFConvertFloat64SwappedToHost(*((CFSwappedFloat64*)buffer));

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