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[英]Can't mass-assign protected attributes:

I am trying to submit a form with multiple instances of a class called Boxscore and I keep getting an error saying class "Can't mass-assign protected attributes: 0, 1" 我正在尝试提交一个名为Boxscore的类的多个实例的表单,并且我不断收到错误,说“无法批量分配受保护的属性:0,1”

My Form: 我的表格:

  <%= form_for([@boxscore]) do |x| %>
<% 2.times do |i| %>
    <%= fields_for 'boxscores', Boxscore.new, :index => i do |f| %>
      <div class="field">
        <%= f.label :game_id %><br />
        <%= f.number_field :game_id %>
      <div class="field">
        <%= f.label :player_id, "Choose a player" %>
        <%= f.select :player_id, Player.all.map{|t| [t.name, t.id]}, 
                 { :include_blank => true } %>
      <div class="field">
        <%= f.label :points %><br />
        <%= f.text_field :points %>
      <div class="field">
        <%= f.label :rebounds %><br />
        <%= f.text_field :rebounds %>
      <div class="field">
        <%= f.label :assists %><br />
        <%= f.text_field :assists %>
      <div class="field">
        <%= f.label :blocks %><br />
        <%= f.text_field :blocks %>
      <div class="field">
        <%= f.label :steals %><br />
        <%= f.text_field :steals %>
      <div class="field">
        <%= f.label :turnovers %><br />
        <%= f.text_field :turnovers %>
      <div class="field">
        <%= f.label :fgattempted %><br />
        <%= f.text_field :fgattempted %>
      <div class="field">
        <%= f.label :fgmade %><br />
        <%= f.text_field :fgmade %>
      <div class="field">
        <%= f.label :threepointattempted %><br />
        <%= f.text_field :threepointattempted %>
      <div class="field">
        <%= f.label :threepointmade %><br />
        <%= f.text_field :threepointmade %>
    <% end %>
<% end %>       
<div class="actions">
    <%= x.submit %>
 <% end %>

My model: 我的模特:

 class Boxscore < ActiveRecord::Base
  attr_accessible :boxscore_id, :assists, :blocks, :fgattempted, :fgmade, :game_id, :player_id, :points, :rebounds, :steals, :threepointattempted, :threepointmade, :turnovers

  belongs_to :game
  belongs_to :player

My controller: 我的控制器:

def create
  @boxscore = Boxscore.new(params[:boxscores])
  respond_to do |format|
    if @boxscore.save
      format.html { redirect_to @boxscore, notice: 'Boxscore was successfully created.' }
      format.json { render json: @boxscore, status: :created, location: @boxscore }
      format.html { render action: "new" }
      format.json { render json: @boxscore.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity }

My params hash when creating a boxscore: 创建一个boxscore时我的参数哈希:

{"utf8"=>"✓", "authenticity_token"=>"JJI3di/InpEp4S6HktQWgVfyvk296M7upgQIQRPzJp8=", "boxscores"=>{"0"=>{"game_id"=>"2", "player_id"=>"1", "points"=>"11", "rebounds"=>"22", "assists"=>"11", "blocks"=>"11", "steals"=>"111", "turnovers"=>"22", "fgattempted"=>"3", "fgmade"=>"2", "threepointattempted"=>"11", "threepointmade"=>"22"}, "1"=>{"game_id"=>"2", "player_id"=>"3", "points"=>"3", "rebounds"=>"4", "assists"=>"3", "blocks"=>"55", "steals"=>"4", "turnovers"=>"3", "fgattempted"=>"3", "fgmade"=>"3", "threepointattempted"=>"3", "threepointmade"=>"3"}}, "commit"=>"Create Boxscore", "action"=>"create", "controller"=>"boxscores"}
@boxscore = Boxscore.new(params[:boxscores])

The problems is here. 问题出在这里。 params[:boxscores] contains two boxscores. params[:boxscores]包含两个boxscores。 And you're trying to create one. 而你正试图创造一个。 Should be something like this: 应该是这样的:

params[:boxscores].each do |k, bs|
  @boxscore = Boxscore.new(bs)
  # ...

Now that you've posted the params, it makes the problem a bit clearer. 现在您已经发布了params,它使问题更加清晰。

You can see below that you're posting 2 boxscore records here from your form -- they are identified in the params hash as '0' and '1', which are the two attributes that ActiveRecord is telling you it's having problems with. 您可以在下面看到您在表单中发布了2个 boxscore记录 - 它们在params散列中标识为“0”和“1”,这是ActiveRecord告诉您它遇到问题的两个属性。

The solution is to either do, as Sergio suggests and process them like: 解决方案是要么像塞尔吉奥所建议的那样处理它们:

params[:boxscores].each do |k, bs|
  @boxscore = Boxscore.new(bs)
  # ...

Or process them individually as two seperate records like this: 或者将它们单独处理为两个单独的记录,如下所示:

  @boxscore1 = Boxscore.new(params[:boxscores][0])
  @boxscore2 = Boxscore.new(params[:boxscores][1])

In general, when you're having weird issues processing form postings, the params hash will help you understand what's happening. 一般来说,当您处理表单过帐时遇到奇怪的问题时,params散列将帮助您了解正在发生的事情。

Your params hash in a cleaner, JSON'd format: 你的params以更清晰的JSON格式哈希:

  "commit"=>"Create Boxscore",

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