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codeigniter-贝宝。 不会在iframe中重定向到Paypal

[英]codeigniter-paypal. doesn't redirect to paypal in iframe

i'm using codeigniter to integrate paypal digital goods payment. 我正在使用Codeigniter集成Paypal数字商品付款。 After I click on "pay by paypal", it's supposed to ask user do login/signup in paypal iframe , but mine will redirect user to sandbox link. 在我点击“按贝宝付款”后,应该要求用户在贝宝iframe中进行登录/注册,但是我会将用户重定向到沙盒链接。 after user click on "login", it will popup the iframe. 用户点击“登录”后,它将弹出iframe。

now it's sth like this: 现在是这样的: 在此处输入图片说明

I want the iframe right after user click on "pay by paypal", like this: 我想在用户点击“按贝宝付款”后立即使用iframe,如下所示: 在此处输入图片说明 .. how to fix it? ..怎么解决?

Thanks 谢谢

Is the source of the frame using SSL eg HTTPS? 帧的来源是否使用SSL(例如HTTPS)? If so including the frame into a non SSL page will not work except in the least secure browsers. 如果是这样,除非在最不安全的浏览器中,否则将框架包括在非SSL页面中将不起作用。 I'm not even sure it would work in a fully SSL setting as it's a perfect way to steal logins etc using JS. 我什至不确定它是否可以在完全SSL设置下工作,因为这是使用JS窃取登录信息的理想方法。

From a customer point of view I'd want to be directed WHOLLY to PayPal as I trust them more than your site. 从客户的角度来看,我希望将其定向到PayPal,因为我比您的站点更信任他们。

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