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[英]Navigate particular page in pdf inside axacropdf control in c#

I have stucking in my application. 我坚持申请。 I have developing a pdf viewer application. 我开发了一个pdf查看器应用程序。 I creating windows application with .net 3.5. 我使用.net 3.5创建Windows应用程序。 In this application I have taken axacropdf control and took hyperlink 1 to 10 as page number. 在这个应用程序中,我采取了axacropdf控件并将超链接1到10作为页码。 Now I want to show pdf file with that page inside axacropdf control when I click the particular page number hyperlink. 现在我想在单击特定页码超链接时在axacropdf控件内显示带有该页面的pdf文件。 for example I have pdf file with 10 pages. 例如,我有10页的pdf文件。 I have list of all pages like 我有所有页面的列表

Navigate to Page 1
Navigate to Page 2
Navigate to Page 3
Navigate to Page 4
Navigate to Page 5
.................. etc.

Now when I click on hyperlink Navigate to Page 5 the pdf file open with page 5 in axacropdf file. 现在当我点击超链接导航到在axacropdf文件中打开第5 的pdf文件。 Here is the code: 这是代码:

//create process to open pdf file
                Process myprocess = new Process();
                myprocess.StartInfo.FileName = "AcroRd32.exe";
                myprocess.StartInfo.Arguments = "/A \"page=" + y + "\" " + txtFileName.Text + " ";

I have googled about this but I found only open the pdf file with particular page outside of the application through process class. 我已经搜索了这个,但我发现只通过流程类打开了应用程序之外的特定页面的pdf文件。 But I want to open this pdf file in adobe pdf reader (axacropdf) control in c#. 但是我想在c#中的adobe pdf reader(axacropdf)控件中打开这个pdf文件。 Please give me suggestion or code. 请给我建议或代码。 Thanks 谢谢

I would use this API Ref 我会使用这个API参考

its going to be much easier they even have a method called SetCurrentPage on page 113 hope that helps. 它会变得更容易,他们甚至有一个名为SetCurrentPage的方法,第113页希望有所帮助。

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