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Backbone.Marionette vs Backbone-Boilerplate

[英]Backbone.Marionette vs Backbone-Boilerplate

I'm new to Backbone and trying to decide how to approach development. 我是Backbone的新手,并试图决定如何进行开发。

At the moment I'm wondering when people would use backbone.marionette over backbone-boilerplate? 目前我想知道人们何时会使用backbone.marionette而不是骨干 - 样板?

From what I can tell Marionette is a lot more prescriptive, but is this the way that most people approach development here? 据我所知,Marionette更具说明性,但这是大多数人在这里开发的方式吗?

Marionette automates a lot of housekeeping work with respect to views that I believe Backbone should've included in the first place. 对于我认为Backbone应该首先包含在内的观点而言,Marionette会自动执行大量的内务工作。 Marionette is actively maintained and found it to be extremely useful and flexible for my project. Marionette积极维护,发现它对我的项目非常有用和灵活。

backbone-boilerplate, from what I see, is more of a way to organize your code into modules but doesn't touch Backbone views. 从我看来,骨干样板更像是一种将代码组织到模块中但不触及Backbone视图的方法。

You should be able to use boilerplate for code organization, and Marionette for more-easily-manageable views. 您应该能够使用样板来进行代码组织,而Marionette则可以使用更容易管理的视图。 I believe they address complementing issues. 我认为他们解决了补充问题。

Marionette recently added an AMD version so it is now compatible with RequireJS out of the box. Marionette最近添加了一个AMD版本,因此它现在可以与RequireJS兼容。

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