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Drupal 7-打印和发送电子邮件页面

[英]Drupal 7 - Print & email Pages

I'm using "Printer, email and PDF versions" Module (Drupal 7). 我正在使用“打印机,电子邮件和PDF版本”模块(Drupal 7)。 Its functions are Print pages & forward the page content through email. 它的功能是打印页面并通过电子邮件转发页面内容。 When i share a page to another person through email, the message is clipped in there inbox and reporting as Phishing , also images are not displaying. 当我通过电子邮件与他人共享页面时,邮件会被剪裁在收件箱中并报告为网络钓鱼,也不会显示图像。

We have to configure anything from admin side.? 我们必须从管理员端配置任何内容。 why does this issue occurs? 为什么会发生此问题?

Email clients are typically configured not to show images by default for security reasons (Example: hide offensive images, block malicious/harmful images, etc). 出于安全原因,通常将电子邮件客户端默认配置为不显示图像(例如:隐藏令人反感的图像,阻止恶意/有害图像等)。 See https://security.stackexchange.com/questions/7489/why-would-someone-want-to-block-images-in-email . 参见https://security.stackexchange.com/questions/7489/why-would-someone-want-to-block-images-in-email

Similarly, if an email client detects that the From address of your email doesn't match the actual server that sent it, then your email may be flagged as a phishing email. 同样,如果电子邮件客户端检测到电子邮件的“ 发件人”地址与发送该电子邮件的实际服务器不匹配,则您的电子邮件可能会被标记为网络钓鱼电子邮件。 See http://drupal.org/node/336038#comment-4735232 . 参见http://drupal.org/node/336038#comment-4735232

Consider using a module like an SMTP Authentication module so that you can send emails through an smtp server such as Google's if you're using a Gmail address. 考虑使用SMTP身份验证模块之类的模块,以便在使用Gmail地址的情况下,可以通过诸如Google的smtp服务器发送电子邮件。

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