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[英]How can I filter these search results in JavaScript?

I have a search.js file (part of a large script) that handles searching through files & folders and returning the results. 我有一个search.js文件(是大脚本的一部分),该文件可以处理文件和文件夹的搜索并返回结果。

I am trying to filter the search results so that any file names or paths that contain "unwanted" are not displayed. 我试图过滤搜索结果,以便不显示任何包含“有害”的文件名或路径。

This is the search.js file in it's entirety: 这是整个search.js文件:

FR = {
    UI: {translations:[]}

function setLookInValue() {
    var path = window.parent.FR.searching.path.replace('/ROOT/HOME', '');
    lookin.setValue(path ? path : '/');

Ext.onReady(function() {
metadataField = new Ext.form.ComboBox({
    fieldLabel: FR.T('Metadata Field'),
    autoCreate:true, mode: 'local',
    valueField:'id', name: 'metadata_field_id', hiddenName:'metadata_field_id',
    editable: false, triggerAction:'all', disableKeyFilter: true,
    forceSelection:true, value:0, width:130,
    store: new Ext.data.SimpleStore({
        fields: ['id', 'filetype'],
        data: FR.metadataFields
metadataValue = new Ext.form.TextField({
    fieldLabel: FR.T('Metadata'), name: 'metadata_value', width: 130, value: ''
FR.rightColumnFields = [];
if (window.parent.User.perms.metadata) {
FR.rightColumnFields.push(new Ext.Button({
    text: FR.T('Search'),
    style: (!window.parent.User.perms.metadata ? '' : 'margin-left:98px'),
    handler: function(){
                filename: Ext.getCmp('filename').getValue(),
                keyword: Ext.getCmp('keyword').getValue(),
                metafield: metadataField.getValue(),
                metavalue: metadataValue.getValue(),
                path: encodeURIComponent(window.parent.FR.searching.path)

FR.form = new Ext.form.FormPanel({
    labelAlign: 'right',
    labelWidth: 90,
    border: false,
    hideBorders: true,
    bodyBorder: false,
    bodyStyle: 'padding:5px',
    items: [{
        items: [{
            layout: 'form',
            border: false, bodyBorder: false,
            items: [{
                id: 'filename', xtype:'textfield',
                fieldLabel: FR.T('File name'),
                name: 'file_name', width: 130, value: ''
                id: 'keyword', xtype:'textfield',
                fieldLabel: FR.T('File contents'),
                name: 'file_contents',
                width: 130, value: '',
                disabled: !window.parent.Settings.fullTextSearch
            lookin = new Ext.form.TextField({
                fieldLabel: FR.T('Look in'),
                name: 'lookin', width: 130, value: '', readOnly: true
            id: 'secondCol',
            layout: 'form',
            border: false,
            bodyBorder: false,
            items: FR.rightColumnFields

var ds = new Ext.data.Store({
    proxy: new Ext.data.HttpProxy({
        url: URLRoot+'/?module=search&section=ajax&page=search'
    reader: new Ext.data.JsonReader({
            root: 'files',
            totalProperty: 'totalCount',
            id: 'id'
            {name: 'icon'},
            {name: 'id'},
            {name: 'filename'},
            {name: 'path'},
            {name: 'technical_path'},
            {name: 'score', type: 'float'}

var cm = new Ext.grid.ColumnModel({
    defaults: {sortable: true},
    columns: [
        {id: 'filename', header: FR.T("File name"), dataIndex: 'filename', width: 160,
            renderer: function (value, p, record) {
                return '<img src="'+URLRoot+'/images/fileman/file_icons/small/'+record.data.icon+'" width="16" height="16" align="absmiddle"> '+value;
        {id: 'path', header: FR.T("Path"), dataIndex: 'path'}
cm.defaultSortable = true;

grid = new Ext.grid.GridPanel({
    ds: ds,
    cm: cm,
    border: false, bodyBorder: false, hideBorders: true,
    selModel: new Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel({singleSelect:true}),
    loadMask: {msg: FR.T('Searching...')},
    enableColumnHide: false,
    enableColumnMove: false,
    autoExpandColumn: 'path',
    selModel: new Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel({singleSelect:true})

grid.on('rowclick', function (grid, rowIndex, e){
    var rowData = grid.getStore().data.items[rowIndex].data;
    var path = rowData.technical_path;
    var filename = rowData.filename;
    if (window.parent.FR.currentPath != path) {
        window.parent.FR.UI.tree.panel.selectPath(path, 'pathname', function() {
            window.parent.FR.UI.grid.highlightOnDisplay = filename;
    } else {

grid.on('rowcontextmenu', function(grid, rowIndex, e) {e.stopEvent();return false;})
FR.grid = grid;

new Ext.Viewport({
    layout: 'border',
    hideBorders: true,
    items: [
            region: 'north', layout: 'fit', split: true, height:100,
            hideBorders: true, bodyBorder: false, border: false,
            items: [FR.form]
            region: 'center', layout: 'fit', autoHeigh: true,
            items: grid

I'm pretty lost. 我很迷路。 I thought somewhere in the code I could do something like: 我以为在代码中的某处我可以做类似的事情:

if (someVar.indexOf("unwanted") == -1) { ...

Is there anything in this JavaScript that would give anyone enough info to help me filter these search results? 这个JavaScript中是否有任何东西可以给任何人足够的信息来帮助我过滤这些搜索结果?

This looks like code that uses Ext JS, and I have added a tag accordingly. 这看起来像使用Ext JS的代码,并且我相应地添加了一个标签。 A little sniffing through the documentation suggests that the Filtering and Sorting section of the Ext.data.Store page will put you on the right track. 稍微浏览一下文档说明Ext.data.Store页面的Filtering and Sorting部分将使您走上正确的道路。


声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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