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[英]Javascript Object Literal Scope Issue?

I'm having a hard time understanding why this.$map and this.markers are undefined. 我很难理解为什么this.$mapthis.markers未定义。 Here's the code I'm working with and I have added comments where I expect these variables to supply a value: 这是我正在使用的代码,并且在我希望这些变量提供值的地方添加了注释:

(function($) {
    'use strict';

    var A = {

         * Initialize the A object
        init: function() {
            this.$map = this.renderMap();
            this.markers = this.getMarkers();


        renderMap: function() {

            var url = 'http://a.tiles.mapbox.com/v3/delewis.map-i3eukewg.jsonp';

            // Get metadata about the map from MapBox
            wax.tilejson(url, function(tilejson) {
                var map = new L.Map('map', {zoomControl: false});

                var ma = new L.LatLng(42.2625, -71.8028);

                map.setView(ma, 8);

                // Add MapBox Streets as a base layer
                map.addLayer(new wax.leaf.connector(tilejson));

                return function() {
                    return map;

        renderMarkers: function() {
            var geojsonLayer = new L.GeoJSON(null, {
                pointToLayer: function (latlng){
                    return new L.CircleMarker(latlng, {
                        radius: 8,
                        fillColor: "#ff7800",
                        color: "#000",
                        weight: 1,
                        opacity: 1,
                        fillOpacity: 0.8

            geojsonLayer.addGeoJSON(this.markers); // this.markers is undefined
            this.$map.addLayer(geojsonLayer); // this.$map is undefined


        getMarkers: function() {
            $.getJSON("/geojson/", function (data) {
                return data;

     * A interactions
    $(document).ready(function() {


I have spent much of the day searching and I think I'm missing something fundamental here, but I don't get it. 我花了整整一天的时间进行搜索,但我认为这里缺少一些基本知识,但我不明白。

Neither the renderMap , nor getMarkers methods return any value, consequently their return value is undefined . renderMapgetMarkers方法都不返回任何值,因此它们的返回值是undefined

It looks like you are trying to initialize these fields from an ajax request, which is not necessarily a good idea. 看来您正在尝试通过ajax请求初始化这些字段,但这不一定是一个好主意。

What you probably ought to do is something like: 您可能应该做的是:

getMarkers: function(callback){
    var result = this;
    $.getJSON("url", function(jsonData){ 
        result.markers = jsonData; 
        if(callback) callback()

which will lazily initialize the fields of the object as they become available. 当它们可用时,它将懒惰地初始化对象的字段。

NB : AJAX is asynchronous you cannot rely on this callback setting the member quickly, or indeed ever (it could fail). 注意 :AJAX是异步的,您不能依靠此回调快速设置成员,或者甚至永远(可能失败)。 This suggests you need to think a bit more about your design, and try to use callbacks more. 这表明您需要多考虑一些设计,并尝试更多使用回调。

eg modify the getMarkers and renderMap functions as above to take a callback that is called after the data is stored then change init to: 例如,按上述方法修改getMarkersrenderMap函数,以获取存储数据后调用的回调,然后将init更改为:

init: function(){
    var res = this;
    var post_init_callback = function(){
        if(res.$map != undefined && res.markers!=undefined){
            //this will only run after both ajax calls are complete

The problem here is that you call return inside another function. 这里的问题是您在另一个函数中调用了return。 What you're essentially doing is defining getMarkers (the simplest example) as this: 您实际上所做的是将getMarkers (最简单的示例)定义为:

getMarkers: function() {
    $.getJSON('/geojson/', some_random_func);

At which point it becomes obious that getMarkers doesn't actually return anything (ergo undefined). 在这一点上,很令人讨厌的是getMarkers实际上没有返回任何东西(ergo undefined)。 The same goes for your renderMap function. renderMap函数也是如此。 Also in this case your "some_random_func" is defined as function(data) { return data; } 同样在这种情况下,您的“ some_random_func”被定义为function(data) { return data; } function(data) { return data; } but what does it return it to? function(data) { return data; }但是什么呢它返回? Truth is that the some_random_func is called by jQuery itself, and AFAIK jQuery doesn't care at all for the return-value of it's success-function. 事实是some_random_func由jQuery本身调用,而AFAIK jQuery完全不关心成功函数的返回值。

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