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[英]PHP: How to solve 'Cannot redeclare loadModule function'

I am working on a web project and I have a file called init.php which basically initializes database connection and loads all the classes using spl_autoload_register.Its included at the starting of the page. 我正在一个Web项目上工作,我有一个名为init.php的文件,该文件基本上初始化数据库连接并使用spl_autoload_register加载所有类,该文件包含在页面的开头。

The file works fine usually but the error occurs when m including this file in a sub directory page. 该文件通常可以正常工作,但是当m在子目录页面中包含此文件时,会发生错误。 Like this ... 像这样 ...

include '../includes/init.php'; 包括'../includes/init.php';

I am getting this fatal error: Cannot redeclare loadModue previously declared on line .... 我收到此致命错误:无法重新声明先前在行...上声明的loadModue。

The file content looks like this : 文件内容如下所示:


    $profile_time = array() ;
    $profile_time['start_time'] = microtime(TRUE) ;

    include_once( 'settings.php' ) ;
    //ini_set('display_errors', 'on');
    //ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL);
    // set correct timezone

    // Set default encoding for multibyte strings

    function loadModule($className)


    $profile_time['before_sql_connection_time'] = microtime(TRUE) ;

    $DB = mysqli_connect( $db_data['host'] , $db_data['user'] , $db_data['pass'] , $db_data['db']);
    Sql::init(array('db' => $DB));

    $profile_time['after_sql_connection_time'] = microtime(TRUE) ;


        $_user = new User($_SESSION['user_id']);
        $_user = new User(0);
        $user_data = $_user->getDataArray();


The settings.php defines HOST, APP_ROOT etc n DB data.... settings.php定义HOST,APP_ROOT等n DB数据。

I tried using 我尝试使用

       function loadModule(){.....}

but this is giving class Sql not found fatal error ... basically not loading the classes. 但这给了class Sql not found致命错误...基本上是不加载类。

I tried changing the name of the function to loadModule_new but that is giving same error of cannot redeclare . 我试图将函数的名称更改为loadModule_new但这给出了cannot redeclare错误。

All the cases that I could find on StackOverflow were not working from starting but m getting this problem only in case of inclusion inside a subdirectory. 我在StackOverflow上发现的所有情况从一开始都不起作用,但是只有在包含在子目录中的情况下才出现此问题。

You are including the file multiple times, and chaos ensues. 您多次包含该文件,随之而来的是混乱。

The best solution for such problems is to have a crystal clear plan about which file is responsible for including which . 解决此类问题的最佳方法是制定一个清晰的计划,以明确负责哪个文件的文件

Don't just dump an include('whatever.php') every time you need to bring some code into scope. 每当您需要将一些代码引入作用域时,都不要转储include('whatever.php') Take a step back and design your include strategy. 退后一步, 设计您的包含策略。 If you do this correctly, you will never have such problems again. 如果正确执行此操作,您将再也不会遇到此类问题。

Failing that, using include_once instead of include should help you to work around these problems. 失败的话,使用include_once而不是include应该可以帮助您解决这些问题。

function_exists expects quote marks around the parameter: function_exists期望在参数周围加上引号:

       function loadModule(){.....}

I think the main problem is that some other file you're including is probably including '../includes/init.php' 我认为主要问题是您要包含的其他文件可能包含'../includes/init.php'

Use include_once ('../includes/init.php'); 使用include_once ('../includes/init.php'); and see if it works. 看看是否可行。

Also, search all your code base for this app for function loadModule (with a variable number of spaces just in case) to make sure that you've not got a definition anywhere else for loadModule 另外,在该应用的所有代码库中搜索function loadModulefunction loadModule ,以可变数量的空格),以确保在其他地方都没有关于loadModule的定义。

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