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[英]How to view carriage return in HL7 message?

Which tool do I use to find out carriage return in HL7 text file and how do I identify it? 我该使用哪个工具在HL7文本文件中查找回车符,如何识别它?

Thanks. 谢谢。

Use Notepad++ and turn on "Show End of Line". 使用记事本++并打开“显示行尾”。


If I could expand a bit. 如果我能扩大一点。 The "Carriage Return" you are speaking of in the context of HL7 is the HL7 "Segment Delimiter". 在HL7上下文中,您所说的“回车”是HL7“分段定界符”。 In the HL7 Standard the "Segment Delimiter" is an Ascii character 13 (Hex 0D) which is in fact a "Carriage Return". 在HL7标准中,“段分隔符”是一个Ascii字符13(十六进制0D),它实际上是一个“回车符”。

But there's a very common trap which you can fall into here. 但是有一个非常常见的陷阱,您可以落入这里。 This character CAN be changed and redefined if the "HL7 Trading Partners" (IE the people exchanging the HL7 messages) actually agree on it. 如果“ HL7贸易伙伴”(即交换HL7消息的人员)实际同意,则可以更改和重新定义此字符。 It would be perfectly acceptable for instance if my trading partner and I agreed to use a $ sign as the "Segment Delimiter". 例如,如果我和我的贸易伙伴同意使用$符号作为“细分分隔符”,那将是完全可以接受的。

Also, working in support at a company whose business it is to work with HL7 I can tell you that one of the most common calls we get are from people who have used Notepad or really any text editor to "look at" an HL7 message and then saved it and thus corrupted it because their editor converted all of the "carriage returns" to "CRLFs". 另外,在一家与HL7合作的公司提供支持时,我可以告诉您,我们接到的最常见的电话之一是使用记事本或实际上任何文本编辑器来“查看” HL7消息的人员,然后将其保存并因此损坏了,因为他们的编辑器将所有“回车”都转换为“ CRLF”。

Either use a Hex editor/viewer or (and this is much simpler) get a REAL HL7 Viewer / Editor like the UltraPort HL7 Notepad, or 7Edit etc. (the UltraPort Notepad is cheaper). 可以使用Hex编辑器/查看器,也可以(这要简单得多)使用REAL HL7 Viewer / Editor(如UltraPort HL7记事本或7Edit等)(UltraPort记事本更便宜)。

Hope this helps. 希望这可以帮助。

Your HL7 engine may have the tools built in. In Mirth you can configure the display of the messages to show line ending. 您的HL7引擎可能内置了这些工具。在Mirth中,您可以配置消息显示以显示行尾。 You can also define what the line endings should be in the channel definitions. 您也可以定义通道定义中的行尾。

Outside of that, any modern text editor, like Notepad++ as @Mike Stonis stated or TextPad or even VIM if you're desperate. 除此之外,任何现代文本编辑器,例如@Mike Stonis所说的Notepad ++或TextPad甚至是VIM(如果您不顾一切)。

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