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[英]How can I completely delete mamp from my hard drive?

Mamp started acting up so i decided to delete and try a fresh install. Mamp开始行动起来,所以我决定删除并尝试重新安装。 I dragged the two mamp folders from my applications folder into the trash. 我将两个mamp文件夹从我的应用程序文件夹拖到垃圾箱。 After I did this I tried installing mamp again. 完成此操作后,我再次尝试安装了Mamp。 the new mamp mysql wouln't start up so I turned off the apache on it went to localhost in my browser and php and apache are still working even tho i deleted them. 新的Mamp mysql无法启动,因此我关闭了它的apache,并转到了浏览器中的localhost,即使删除了它们,php和apache仍然可以正常工作。 I thoroughly searched my applications folder for any remaining traces of mamp and there are none. 我彻底在我的应用程序文件夹中搜索了剩余的痕迹,没有痕迹。 So just to make sure, I deleted the new mamp installs, created a file with phpinfo() function in it, and opened it in the browser under local host. 因此,为了确保这一点,我删除了新的mamp安装程序,创建了一个带有phpinfo()函数的文件,并在本地主机下的浏览器中将其打开。 The phpinfo displays. 显示phpinfo。 this is totally baffling. 这简直令人莫名其妙。 in the php info everything points to /Applications/MAMP. 在PHP信息中,所有内容均指向/ Applications / MAMP。 I've searched it several times and there is no mamp to be found in applications. 我已经搜索了好几次,在应用程序中找不到模板。 Is there any way to delete this once and for all, possibly from the terminal? 有什么办法可以一劳永逸地从终端上删除它吗? Does any body have any advice on how to solve this? 有人对如何解决这个问题有任何建议吗?

Edit: I've tried everything suggested so far and somewhere, somehow apache and mysql are still running. 编辑:到目前为止,我已经尝试了所有建议的方法,而apache和mysql仍在运行。 I'm verifying this by opening a .php file with a phpinfo() function in it. 我正在通过使用phpinfo()函数打开.php文件来验证这一点。 Iv'e searched the activity monitor for any sign of mysqld, php, or mamp, and there is nothing. 我在活动监视器中搜索了mysqld,php或mamp的任何迹象,但没有任何发现。 When I open phpinfo, all the paths point to /Applications/MAMP, and /Applications/MAMPbin/php/php5.3.6/conf etc.... I've look for these files and have even tried cd into them from the terminal and there's no trace of them. 当我打开phpinfo时,所有路径都指向/ Applications / MAMP和/Applications/MAMPbin/php/php5.3.6/conf等。...我一直在寻找这些文件,甚至尝试从终端将CD插入它们而且没有任何痕迹。 There is one path in particular that's kind of raising a red flag. 特别是有一条道路会发出危险信号。 It's the path to apache environment: /usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin that's the only one that's different from the rest. 这是通向apache环境的路径:/ usr / bin:/ bin:/ usr / sbin:/ sbin是唯一与其他环境不同的环境。 Since apache is required for php to run I'm thinking this path to apache has somehow got to be the cause of the problem. 由于apache是​​运行php所必需的,因此我认为这条通往apache的道路一定是导致问题的原因。 How can I further trouble shoot this? 我该如何进一步解决?


Using an uninstaller is going to be the most surefire way to restore your system to its former state, as mentioned in a comment to your post. 如您的帖子评论中所述,使用卸载程序将是将系统还原到以前状态的最可靠方法。 Use that, but also check for the things I mention here, and take note of them in the future. 使用它,还要检查我在这里提到的内容,并在将来加以注意。

/EDIT /编辑

Check your activity monitor for php/mysql processes and once you find them, open terminal and type "killall ", without the < > around the process name. 检查您的活动监视器中是否有php / mysql进程,一旦找到它们,请打开终端并键入“ killall”,在进程名称附近不带<>。

It's worth noting that OS X already comes with Apache and PHP installed, which can be enabled by enabling "Web Sharing" in the System Prefs->Sharing. 值得注意的是,OS X已经安装了Apache和PHP,可以通过在系统偏好设置->共享中启用“ Web共享”来启用OSX。 MySQL can easily be installed separately and linked to the PHP install. MySQL可以轻松地单独安装并链接到PHP安装。

Also, be sure to check ~/Library/Application Support and /Library/Application Support for other MAMP files. 另外,请确保检查〜/ Library / Application Support和/ Library / Application Support中是否有其他MAMP文件。

Finally, be sure to check ~/Library/Preferences, /Library/Preferences, ~/Library/LaunchAgents, /Library/LaunchAgents, /Library/LaunchDaemons, and /System/Library/Extensions for third party extensions. 最后,请确保检查〜/ Library / Preferences,/ Library / Preferences,〜/ Library / LaunchAgent,/ Library / LaunchAgents,/ Library / LaunchDaemons和/ System / Library / Extensions,以获取第三方扩展。

The above are basic cleanup methods, you probably won't have anything of concern in Extensions, for instance. 上面是基本的清除方法,例如,您可能在扩展中不会有任何问题。 However one thing is worth noting - Extensions (Kernel Extensions) can potentially wreak havock on your system. 但是,值得注意的是-扩展(内核扩展)可能会严重破坏系统。 Ensure that you don't have any third party extensions that you don't NEED installed. 确保您没有任何不需要安装的第三方扩展。 You can see them by opening terminal and typing: 您可以通过打开终端并输入以下内容来查看它们:

kextstat | grep -v apple

This will tell you the exact file names of third party extensions, which you can then process to delete inside the Extensions folder. 这将告诉您第三方扩展名的确切文件名,然后您可以对其进行处理以在“扩展名”文件夹中删除该文件。 It will require you to authenticate as superuser. 它将要求您认证为超级用户。

Restart your system when done. 完成后重新启动系统。

http://www.freemacsoft.net/appcleaner/ http://www.freemacsoft.net/appcleaner/

Thus far, AppCleaner works beautifully for me. 到目前为止,AppCleaner对我来说效果很好。 Try giving it a go. 尝试一下。

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