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[英]How to find which element breaks HTTPS on a webpage?

Is there a simple way, maybe through a firefox plugin or something, to be able to tell which element on a webpage is breaking the HTTPS connection? 是否有一种简单的方法(可能通过firefox插件或其他方法)来判断网页上的哪个元素正在断开HTTPS连接?

I've searched the source for any "http" and did not find any. 我已经在源中搜索了任何“ http”,但没有找到任何内容。 I am thinking the root of the problem lies in a javascript file somewhere, but I was hoping to narrow it down easier than going line by line through all the javascript files. 我认为问题的根源在于某个地方的javascript文件,但我希望比逐行浏览所有javascript文件更容易地缩小范围。

Any simple solution or suggestions? 有任何简单的解决方案或建议吗?

I don't know about firefox, but Google Chrome shows all insecure content sources in console. 我不了解firefox,但Google Chrome浏览器会在控制台中显示所有不安全的内容源。

For example: 例如:

The page at https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?shva=1#inbox displayed insecure content from http://example.com . https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?shva=1#inbox上的页面显示了来自http://example.com的不安全内容。

Etc. 等等。

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