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[英]Auto increment wont update

just created a form that saves the filename into an SQL database. 刚刚创建了一个将文件名保存到SQL数据库的表单。

The thing is that when I ad the ID column(Auto increment) into the SQLDatabase the form stops to save my filename, but as soon I delete the ID row, it begins to save. 事实是,当我将ID列(自动递增)添加到SQLDatabase中时,表单停止保存我的文件名,但是一旦我删除ID行,它就会开始保存。

Dont know whats the problem. 不知道是什么问题。

this is some of my code 这是我的一些代码


     if(isset($_FILES['file_name'])) {
     $file_name = mysql_real_escape_string($_FILES['file_name']['name']); 
      //Writes the information to the database 

     mysql_query("INSERT INTO `files` VALUES ('$file_name')") ; 

     //Retrieves data from MySQL 
     $data = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM files") or die(mysql_error()); 
     //Puts it into an array 


And my database has two columns file_id and file_name but as I just wrote, the file_id wont work =/ 而且我的数据库有两列file_id和file_name,但是正如我刚才所写的,file_id不能工作= /

Any ideas ? 有任何想法吗 ?

I think you need to change your SQL query to this: 我认为您需要将SQL查询更改为:

mysql_query("INSERT INTO `files` (`file_name`) VALUES ('$file_name')") ; 

With more than one column, you need to name which column you want the $file_name string to be saved in if you're not going to enumerate every column in the table. 如果有不止一列,则如果不打算枚举表中的每一列,则需要命名要保存$file_name字符串的列。 Then your auto-increment should work fine. 然后,您的自动增量应该可以正常工作。

In fact, the problem isn't with auto-increment, it's with your SQL syntax. 实际上,问题不在于自动增量,而在于您的SQL语法。 You should check your queries for errors by saving the return value from mysql_query and checking if it returned false . 您应该通过保存mysql_query的返回值并检查其是否返回false来检查查询中的错误。 If it did, call mysql_error to determine the error message. 如果是这样,请调用mysql_error以确定错误消息。

Since ID is auto_inc, you don't need to include it in your script anywhere. 由于ID为auto_inc,因此您无需将其包含在脚本中的任何位置。

I think the problem is because you don't specify in your query what fields to put the values in. 我认为问题是因为您没有在查询中指定将值放入哪些字段。

Change this: 更改此:

mysql_query("INSERT INTO `files` VALUES ('$file_name')") ; 

To something like this 对于这样的事情

mysql_query("INSERT INTO `files` (`YOURFIELD`) VALUES ('$file_name')") ; 

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