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PHP date_create函数,使用时区缩写将UTC时间转换为不同的时区

[英]PHP date_create function, converting UTC time to different timezone using the timezone abbrev

$placename=timezone_name_from_abbr("", $timezone * 3600, false);
                        $date = date_create($list['stamp'], timezone_open($placename));
                        $datetimezone=new DateTimeZone('Europe/London');
                        $dateTime = new DateTime($list['stamp'],$datetimezone); 
                        $dateTime->setTimeZone(new DateTimeZone($placename)); 

edit 编辑

I tried the following code suggested as an answer, and it produced a time that was 2 hours off what it should have been. 我尝试了以下代码建议作为答案,它产生了一个时间,它本应该是2小时。 I checked my db and the time in the DB matches GMT. 我检查了我的数据库,数据库中的时间与GMT匹配。 so the issue is with converting it from GMT using the conversion 所以问题在于使用转换从GMT转换它


code from users answer, below produces time that is two hours off. 来自用户的代码回答,下面产生两个小时的时间。 converts from GMT to America/New_York but it two hours slow. 从GMT转换到America / New_York,但它慢了两个小时。 I checked the placename variable to make sure that it is America/New_York. 我检查了placename变量以确保它是America / New_York。 what could be causing this? 可能是什么导致了这个?

$placename=timezone_name_from_abbr("", $timezone * 3600, true);
$dateTime = new DateTime($list['stamp']); 
$dateTime->setTimeZone(new DateTimeZone($placename)); 
echo $dateTime->format('F d g:i a'); 

original question 原始问题

instead of converting it to America/New_York time this produced a UTC time that i have stored in my database, why is this, why didnt it convert the time? 而不是将其转换为America / New_York时间,这产生了我存储在我的数据库中的UTC时间,为什么这样,为什么它没有转换时间? it is stored in db as 2012-05-13 07:30:47 它存储在db中2012-05-13 07:30:47

$placename=timezone_name_from_abbr("", $timezone * 3600, true);
$date = date_create($list['stamp'], timezone_open($placename));
echo date_format($date, 'F d g:i a');
$dateTime = new DateTime($date,new DateTimeZone('Europe/London')); 
$dateTime->setTimeZone(new DateTimeZone('America/New_York')); 
echo $dateTime->format('F d g:i a'); 

Note that I added the second parameter upon creation of the DateTime object to ensure that it knows that what I'm passing is a GMT time, other ways it will assume its your servers local time and may end up with different results. 请注意,我在创建DateTime对象时添加了第二个参数,以确保它知道我传递的是GMT时间,其他方式它将假设其服务器本地时间并可能最终得到不同的结果。

To your first version without the quotes. 到没有引号的第一个版本。

By the way, you're assigning (on your code) a string without quotes, this may or may not result in an error since PHP will try to look for a constant called America and divide it by a constant name New_York but I'm assuming thats not what you're after. 顺便说一句,你在(在你的代码上)分配一个没有引号的字符串,这可能会或可能不会导致错误,因为PHP将尝试寻找一个名为America的常量并将其除以常量名New_York但我是假设那不是你想要的。

If you've all the warning/notices/errors showing you'd see something on the lines of this: 如果您发现所有警告/通知/错误,您会看到以下内容:

Notice: Use of undefined constant America - assumed 'America' in line 3;

Which, if you want to think about it would end up returning an actual warning (those two prior ones were notices) telling you your diving by zero. 其中,如果你想考虑它最终会返回一个实际的警告(前两个是通知)告诉你你的潜水为零。 PHP is dangerous in the sense that it lets you do all sorts of crazy stuff without actually breaking anything apparently. 从某种意义上讲,PHP是危险的,它可以让你做各种疯狂的事情而不会明显地破坏任何东西。 Don't get me wrong, I love PHP, you just need to be careful at first. 不要误会我的意思,我喜欢PHP,你最初需要小心。

The code I gave you works :) 我给你的代码工作:)

If you don't specify a timezone upon creation (as a second parameter of the constructor) it will assume that the timezone is your current timezone (the servers one), you can override this by passing the GMT one over there or whatever you've stored in the database. 如果你没有在创建时指定时区(作为构造函数的第二个参数),它将假设时区是你当前的时区(服务器一个),你可以通过将GMT一个传递到那里或者你的任何东西来覆盖它。 ve存储在数据库中。

However, there is a warning on the docs that says: Note: 但是,文档中有一条警告说:注意:

The $timezone parameter and the current timezone are ignored when the $time parameter either is a UNIX timestamp (eg @946684800) or specifies a timezone (eg 2010-01-28T15:00:00+02:00). 当$ time参数是UNIX时间戳(例如@ 946684800)或指定时区(例如2010-01-28T15:00:00 + 02:00)时,将忽略$ timezone参数和当前时区。

Docs 文件

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