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minitest、test::unit 和 rails

[英]minitest, test::unit, and rails

I read somewhere that 'minitest' is the "new test::unit for ruby 1.9.2+".我在某处读到 'minitest' 是“新的 test::unit for ruby​​ 1.9.2+”。

But ruby 1.9.3 seems to include both test::unit and minitest , is that true?但是Ruby 1.9.3似乎包括测试::单位MINITEST ,是真的吗?

In the default rails testing, as outlined in the Rails testing guide .... things like ActiveSupport::TestCase , ActionController::TestCase , are these using Test::Unit or Minitest ?在默认的 Rails 测试中,如Rails 测试指南中所述......诸如ActiveSupport::TestCaseActionController::TestCase ,这些是使用Test::Unit还是Minitest

In the rails guide, it shows examples with tests defined like this:在 rails 指南中,它显示了具有如下定义测试的示例:

test "should show post" do
  get :show, :id => @post.id
  assert_response :success

That syntax, test string , as opposed to defining methods with names like test_something -- isn't mentioned in the docs for either Test::Unit or Minitest.这句法, test string ,而不是定义与名称类似方法test_something -在文档中的任何未提及Test::Unit或MINITEST。 Where's that coming from?这是从哪里来的? Is Rails adding it, or is it actually a part of... whatever testing lib rails is using? Rails 是否添加了它,或者它实际上是...任何测试库 rails 使用的一部分?

PS: Please don't tell me "just use rspec". PS:请不要告诉我“只使用 rspec”。 I know about rspec.我知道 rspec。 I am trying to explore the stdlib alternatives, in the context of rails.我正在尝试在 rails 的上下文中探索 stdlib 替代方案。

There is a Test::Unit "compatibility" module that comes with Minitest, so that you can (presumably) use your existing Test::Unit tests as-is. Minitest 附带了一个Test::Unit “兼容性”模块,因此您可以(大概)按原样使用现有的 Test::Unit 测试。 This is probably the Test::Unit module you are seeing.这可能是您看到的Test::Unit模块。

As of rails 3.2.3, generator-created tests include rails/test_help which includes test/unit .从 rails 3.2.3 开始,生成器创建的测试包括rails/test_help ,其中包括test/unit

The test "something" do syntax is a rails extension. test "something" do语法是一个 rails 扩展。 It's defined in ActiveSupport::Testing::Declarative , which is require 'd by rails/test_help .它的定义ActiveSupport::Testing::Declarative ,这是require通过“d rails/test_help

This is perhaps a bit of a tangential response, but as to your rspec comment... You might want to take a look at minitest/spec which provides spec flavor syntax in stdlib in 1.9.x.这可能有点minitest/spec ,但至于您的 rspec 评论......您可能想看看minitest/spec ,它在 1.9.x 中的 stdlib 中提供了规范风味语法。

http://bfts.rubyforge.org/minitest/MiniTest/Spec.html http://bfts.rubyforge.org/minitest/MiniTest/Spec.html

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