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[英]Why isn't my form validation working?

I've searched everywhere for an answer to this and I really can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. 我到处都在寻找答案,但我真的不知道自己在做什么错。 I realise it's probably a stupid mistake but I'm absolutely racking my brains on this. 我意识到这可能是一个愚蠢的错误,但是我绝对会为此绞尽脑汁。

I've got a script that submits to a PHP file. 我有一个提交给PHP文件的脚本。 The script when sent should validate to make sure the required fields are filled in and if they aren't, it should pop up a Javascript box to basically tell them they haven't filled in the correct fields. 发送的脚本应经过验证,以确保填写了必填字段;如果未填写,则应弹出一个Javascript框,以基本上告诉他们尚未填写正确的字段。 Unfortunately, at the minute, it just sends. 不幸的是,此刻它只是发送。

The code is as follows: 代码如下:

    <div id="formcontainer">
<div class="formcontent">
<h3>Fields marked (*) are required</h3>The amount of money that Affecting Real Change is able to raise is dependent on the generosity of donors and our volunteer's fantastic fundraising. All of the money raised goes towards project building materials. Without these funds we really wouldn't be able to do what we do.
    <form method=post enctype=multipart/form-data action=formurl.php onSubmit="return validatePage1();">

    <h3>Full Name (Insert as it appears on your passport)&nbsp;*</h3><p class="formfield"><input class=mainForm type=text name=field_1 id=field_1 size='40' value=''></p>

<h3>Your gender&nbsp;*</h3><select class=mainForm name=field_7 id=field_7><option value=''></option><option value="Male">Male</option><option value="Female">Female</option></select>   

<h3>Email Address&nbsp;*</h3><p class="formfield"><input class=mainForm type=email name=field_2 id=field_2 size=40 value=""></p>

    <h3>Phone Number&nbsp;*</h3><p class="formfield"><input class=mainForm type=text name=field_11 id=field_11 size='40' value=''></p>

    <h3>Indicate Trip & Date&nbsp;*</h3><p class="formfield"><input class=mainForm type=text name=field_3 id=field_3 size='40' value=''></p>

<h3>Please type any more info here&nbsp;*</h3><textarea class=message  name=field_5 id=field_5 rows=7 cols=40></textarea>

<h3>I have read your <a href="http://www.affectingrealchange.org/terms-and-conditions/" target="_blank">Terms and Conditions</a> and agree&nbsp;*</h3><select class=mainForm name=field_10 id=field_10><option value=''></option><option value="Yes">Yes</option><option value="No">No</option></select>

        <!-- end of this page -->

        <!-- page validation -->
        <SCRIPT type=text/javascript>

            function validatePage1()
                retVal = true;
                if (validateField('field_1','fieldBox_1','text',1) == false)
if (validateField('field_2','fieldBox_2','email',1) == false)
if (validateField('field_3','fieldBox_3','textarea',1) == false)
if (validateField('field_5','fieldBox_5','textarea',1) == false)
if (validateField('field_7','fieldBox_7','menu',1) == false)
if (validateField('field_10','fieldBox_10','menu',1) == false)
if (validateField('field_11','fieldBox_10','menu',1) == false)

                if(retVal == false)
                    alert('Please correct the errors.  Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required');
                    return false;
                return retVal;


        <!-- end page validaton -->

        <li class="mainForm">
                        <br/><p class="submit"><input id="saveForm" class="submit" type="submit" value="Submit" /></p>


I realise that it's probably something really stupid, but I can't for the life of me figure out what it is. 我意识到这可能真的很愚蠢,但是我无法终生弄清楚它是什么。

Really, the form just needs to validate one field. 实际上,该表格只需要验证一个字段即可。 The site it's being used on is getting lots of blank page submissions so just validating one field would be absolutely fine. 它所使用的网站上有很多空白页提交的内容,因此仅验证一个字段就可以了。

Any help would be fantastic! 任何帮助都太棒了!

Thanks Lewis 谢谢刘易斯


<input type="text" name="Pname" maxlength="50" value="" required aria-required=true />

您是否在任何地方都包含对“ validateField”的引用?

Can you show us your validateField function ? 您能告诉我们您的validateField函数吗? I think it's probably this function who is not working. 我认为可能是此功能无法正常工作。

By the way, I think it's not very good to put the JS into the HTML like this, you should create a file you include like that : 顺便说一句,我认为像这样将JS放入HTML中并不是很好,您应该创建一个包含这样的文件:

<script src="js/validation.js"></script>

And I think, you could do something more global, using data in your HTML. 而且我认为,您可以使用HTML中的数据来做更全球化的事情。 By doing this you could have only one JS code for all you forms. 这样一来,您所有的表格就只能拥有一个JS代码。

If a validateField call throws an exception, it'll bypass the return at the end of validatePage1 . 如果validateField调用引发异常,它将绕过validatePage1末尾的返回。 Try enclosing the tests in a try/catch block to see what's going on, like 尝试将测试包含在try / catch块中,以查看发生了什么,例如

function validatePage1()
    retVal = true;
    try {
    if (validateField('field_1','fieldBox_1','text',1) == false)
    if (validateField('field_11','fieldBox_10','menu',1) == false)
    } catch (e) { alert(e); }

   if(retVal == false)
        alert('Please correct the errors.  Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required');
   return retVal;

Are you sure you don't have a typo -- Are all the fields you're testing actually defined on the page? 您确定没有错字吗?您要测试的所有字段都确实在页面上定义了吗?

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