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[英]WCF service without SSL but with Windows Group authentication

We are trying to create a WCF service that is only accesible by specified windows groups. 我们正在尝试创建只能由指定的Windows组访问的WCF服务。 How can this be configured in the server web.config and the client configuration? 如何在服务器web.config和客户端配置中配置?

Note: We want to be able to control the windows groups who are allowed access in the server web.config not in code. 注意:我们希望能够控制允许在服务器web.config中访问的窗口组,而不是代码。 Also, we dont want/need SSL at all. 此外,我们根本不需要/需要SSL。

Ive googled around and then best examples I can find are all like this... 我用Google搜索,然后我能找到的最好的例子都是这样的......

WCF Service, Windows Authentication WCF服务,Windows身份验证

But that doesnt explain how to limit access only to a specific group or groups. 但这并不能解释如何限制只访问特定组或组。

If this is intranet application you can use netTcpBinding: 如果这是Intranet应用程序,您可以使用netTcpBinding:

   <service name="YourService"
         contract="YourContract" />

   <binding name="SecureTransportWindows">
      <security mode="Transport">
          <transport clientCredentialType="Windows" />

      <behavior name="YourServiceBehavior">          
          <serviceAuthorization principalPermissionMode="UseWindowsGroups" />

And then in service code you can demand windows role: 然后在服务代码中,您可以要求Windows角色:

class YourService : YourContract
    [PrincipalPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, Role="MYDOMAIN\Administrators")]
    public string SecuredOperation(string name)
       return "secured operation";

If you need to set it in config then you must implement custom authorization: 如果需要在config中进行设置,则必须实现自定义授权:

<behavior name="YourServiceBehavior">          
   <serviceAuthorization principalPermissionMode="Custom">            
         <add policyType="YourCustomAuthorizationPolicy"/>

And in code implement IAuthorizationPolicy interface: 并在代码实现IAuthorizationPolicy接口:

public class YourCustomAuthorizationPolicy : IAuthorizationPolicy
   //you need to check msdn 

Ok this is the solution we came up with. 好的,这是我们提出的解决方案。 Although it does involve a code change (adding the AspNetCompatibilityRequirements attribute) we can now acheive configuration of the groups/roles in the web.config file rather than hardcoding. 虽然它确实涉及代码更改(添加AspNetCompatibilityRequirements属性),但我们现在可以在web.config文件中实现组/角色的配置,而不是硬编码。

There are a number of steps to this... 这有很多步骤......

1) Add the aspNetCompatibilityEnabled attribute into the serviceHostingEnvironment element and set to true, eg... 1)将aspNetCompatibilityEnabled属性添加到serviceHostingEnvironment元素并设置为true,例如......

<serviceHostingEnvironment aspNetCompatibilityEnabled="true" />

This tells the WCF service to running in ASP.NET Compatibility Mode and participate fully in the ASP.NET HTTP request lifecycle. 这告诉WCF服务在ASP.NET兼容模式下运行并完全参与ASP.NET HTTP请求生命周期。 See this MSDN article for full details. 有关完整详细信息,请参阅此MSDN文章

2) In the WCF code add AspNetCompatibilityRequirements attribute to the service class as per the link above and as specified in this MSDN article ... 2)在WCF代码中,根据上面的链接和本MSDN文章中的规定,将AspNetCompatibilityRequirements属性添加到服务类中......


3) Now we can add the usual ASP authorization element in to restrict access to the specified groups/users (without the settings (1) and (2) above, this would be ignored by WCF)... 3)现在我们可以添加通常的ASP 授权元素来限制对指定组/用户的访问(没有上面的设置(1)和(2),这将被WCF忽略)...

        <allow roles="MYDOMAIN\WCFAuthenticatedUsers" /> <-- allows access to users in this group
        <deny users="*" /> <-- denies access to all other users

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