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[英]Anorm query throws ORA-00942: table or view does not exist

I have created a case class and a companion object to execute a query, as follows: 我创建了一个case类和一个伴随对象来执行查询,如下所示:

case class Instruction(caseid:Long, day:String, period:String)

object Instruction{

val rt = {
  get[Long]("caseid") ~
  get[String]("day") ~
  get[String]("period") map{
    case caseid~day~period => RealTimeInstruction(caseid, day,period) 

 def findAll(date:String):List[RealTimeInstruction]={

  implicit c => SQL("""
        unit.CASEID "CASEID",
        to_char(c.GETLOCALDATE(unit.START_TIME), 'DD-MON-YY') as "DAY", 
        case when to_char(c.GETLOCALDATE(unit.START_TIME), 'HH24') LIKE '0%'
        then to_number(substr(to_char(c.GETLOCALDATE(unit.START_TIME), 'HH24'),2))
        else to_number(to_char(c.GETLOCALDATE(unit.START_TIME), 'HH24'))
        end  "PERIOD"
        from unit, entity_def, entity
      """).on('date->date).as(rt *) 


Executing findAll yields ORA-00942: table or view does not exist 执行findAll会产生ORA-00942:表或视图不存在

The query h wever works fine. 查询h wever可以正常工作。 I am guessing it has to do with the anorm framework expecting to find Instruction table in the database. 我猜想这与期望在数据库中找到指令表的anorm框架有关。

What I want basically to do is execute a parameterized query in anorm and retrieve and parse the results. 我基本上想要做的是在anorm中执行参数化查询,并检索和解析结果。

How do I go about doing that? 我该怎么做?

Thanks 谢谢

Got it. 得到它了。

You simply have to disable the evolutions plugin from the play configuration file. 您只需从播放配置文件中禁用Evolutions插件即可。

Just add to the configuration: 只需添加到配置:

evolutionplugin=disabled evolutionplugin =禁用

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