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[英]Android browser's screen.width, screen.height & window.innerWidth & window.innerHeight are unreliable

I'm working on a web app that is targeted to browsers on desktop, tablet and smartphone. 我正在开发一个针对台式机,平板电脑和智能手机浏览器的网络应用。

The web app has a light box implemented using Colorbox with an iframe . 该网络应用程序有一个使用Colorboxiframe实现的灯箱 When the browser window is resized or the tablet/phone has it's orientation changed, Javascript code queries the window dimensions so that it can resize some elements of the light box. 当调整浏览器窗口的大小或平板电脑/手机的方向发生变化时,Javascript代码会查询窗口尺寸,以便调整灯箱的某些元素。

The issue I'm having is that everything works fine on desktop (Windows: IE, Firefox, Chrome, Mac: Safari), iPad & iPhone but not on the Android smartphone (HTC) and Android Emulator. 我遇到的问题是桌面上的一切正常(Windows:IE,Firefox,Chrome,Mac:Safari),iPad和iPhone,但不适用于Android智能手机(HTC)和Android Emulator。

Android always returns different values for screen.width , screen.height , window.innerWidth & window.innerHeight when they're queried from inside the window's resize event, which fires multiple times. 当窗口的resize事件内部查询时,Android总是返回screen.widthscreen.heightwindow.innerWidthwindow.innerHeight不同值。

Why is the Android browser returning such a wide variance in values and how can I reliably detect the width and height of the browser window? 为什么Android浏览器会返回如此大的值差异,如何可靠地检测浏览器窗口的宽度和高度?

On Android, window.outerWidth and window.outerHeight are reliably the screen size. 在Android上,window.outerWidth和window.outerHeight可靠地是屏幕大小。 Depending on your version of Android, innerWidth/Height is usually incorrect. 根据您的Android版本,innerWidth / Height通常不正确。

Here's a really good writeup on the situation. 这是关于这种情况的非常好的写作

Below is differentiation based on readings with Samsung Tab running Android 4.1 以下是基于三星Tab运行Android 4.1的读数的区别

  • screen.height - gives actual device height including task bar and title bar screen.height - 给出实际设备高度,包括任务栏和标题栏

  • window.innerHeight - gives the height excluding task bar, title bar and address bar(if visible) window.innerHeight - 给出不包括任务栏,标题栏和地址栏的高度(如果可见)

  • window.outerHeight - gives the height excluding task bar and title bar height, (no matter address bar is visible or hidden, outerHeight include the address bar height.) window.outerHeight - 给出不包括任务栏和标题栏高度的高度(无论地址栏是可见还是隐藏,outerHeight都包含地址栏高度。)


var screenHeight = (ionic.Platform.isIOS()) ? window.screen.height : window.innerHeight * window.devicePixelRatio;

I took me hours to find a workaround. 我花了几个小时才找到解决方法。

The only constant among window.innerHeight , window.outerheight , etc was screen.height . window.innerHeightwindow.outerheight等中唯一的常量是screen.height

This code gave me the outerheight: 这段代码给了我外在的高度:

screen.height / window.devicePixelRatio - window.screenTop

Also, in order to support older versions of android, place your code in a setTimeout 另外,为了支持旧版本的android,请将代码放在setTimeout

I hope this is helpful =) 我希望这是有帮助的=)

Try this, and check your mobile reading 试试这个,并查看您的移动阅读

var total_height=screen.height*window.devicePixelRatio;

It should match the screen size (height) of your phone specifications. 它应与手机规格的屏幕尺寸(高度)相匹配。

    var throttle = (function () {
        var timer;

        return function (fn, delay) {
            timer = setTimeout(fn, delay);

    var callback = function (w, h) {
        alert(w + ' ' + h);

    window.onresize = throttle(function () {
        width = Math.min(window.innerWidth, window.outerWidth);
        height = Math.min(window.innerHeight, window.outerHeight);

        callback(width, height);
    }, 60);

Dan's answer fix the inconcistancy between android's browser.. so I post how I detect/change mobile viewport and adapt it when rotated (don't know if usable for any one... Dan的答案修复了android的浏览器之间的不一致..所以我发布了如何检测/更改移动视口并在旋转时调整它(不知道是否可用于任何一个...

var lastorg=0; //set the begining of script
thisorg=parseInt(window.innerWidth)/parseInt(window.innerHeight); //for ratio to detact orietation
if(((lastorg<1 && thisorg>1) ||(lastorg>1 && thisorg<1) ||lastorg==0 )){ //is start or change
$("#viewport").attr('content', 'width=device-width, initial-scale=1,minimum-scale=1, maximum-scale=1'); // reset viewport to device
mywidth = Math.min(window.innerWidth, window.outerWidth); //Dan's way to fix the inconsistancy
myheight = Math.min(window.innerHeight, window.outerHeight);
lastorg=thisorg;    //update the lastorg
wr=parseInt(mywidth)/1280;  // the minimum desire width
hr=parseInt(myheight)/630;  // the minimum desire height
if(hr<1){ // if it if small screen, so desktop pc wouldn't change
$("#viewport").attr('content', 'width=device-width, initial-scale='+vscale+',minimum-scale='+vscale+', maximum-scale='+vscale); //reset viewport toresize window
$("body").prepend("<div id=pro style='position:absolute;width:800px;height:30px;padding:30px;left:"+(windowwidth/2)+"px;top:"+(windowHeight/2)+"px;margin-left:-430px;margin-top:-45px;;border:1px solid #555;background:#ddeeff;text-align:center;z-index:99999;color:#334455;font-size:40px;' class=shadowme>Please rotate your phone/tablet</div>");//tell user to rotate

In my case, the setTimeout hook was not useful. 在我的例子中,setTimeout钩子没用。

After some digging, I discover that different Android versions (and devices) have different devicePixelRatio values. 经过一番挖掘,我发现不同的Android版本(和设备)具有不同的devicePixelRatio值。

If the devicePixelRatio is equal or greater than 1, the actual number of pixels in the screen (for the html page point of view) is given by window.screen.width (or ...height). 如果devicePixelRatio等于或大于1,则屏幕中的实际像素数(对于html页面的视点)由window.screen.width(或... height)给出。

But, if the window.screen.width is less than 1 (it happens in some old Android devices), the actual number of pixels becomes: window.screen.width/devicePixelRatio. 但是,如果window.screen.width小于1(它发生在一些旧的Android设备中),则实际像素数变为:window.screen.width / devicePixelRatio。

So, you just have to cope with this. 所以,你只需要应付这个。

w = window.screen.width;
h = window.screen.height;

if(window.devicePixelRatio < 1){
  w = window.screen.width/window.devicePixelRatio;
  h = window.screen.height/window.devicePixelRatio;

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