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如何在 R 图中更改 Xlab、Ylab 和 XY 轴颜色和字体大小的值

[英]How to change Xlab,Ylab and values of XY-axis color and font size in R plot

I'd like to change the color and font size of:我想更改以下内容的颜色和字体大小:

  1. Xlab,实验室,
  2. Ylab,实验室,
  3. values of X and Y-axis X 和 Y 轴的值
  4. Panel border (color)面板边框(颜色)

in R plot Is there a way to do it?在 R 图中有没有办法做到这一点?

Here's code demonstrating some of the lower level plotting functions that provide the sort of fine-grained control that you're wanting.下面的代码演示了一些较低级别的绘图函数,这些函数提供了您想要的那种细粒度控制。 See the help pages of the several functions for even more options.有关更多选项,请参阅多个功能的帮助页面。

plot(rnorm(99), bty="n", axes=FALSE, xlab="", ylab="")
axis(1, col="dodgerblue", col.ticks="green", col.axis="orange", cex.axis=2)
axis(2, col="dodgerblue", col.ticks="green", col.axis="orange", cex.axis=0.8)
mtext("Index", side=1, line=3, col="red", cex=2)
mtext("Value", side=2, line=3, col="purple", cex=0.8)

(The resulting plot is ugly enough that I'll let you run the code yourself, rather than reproduce it here!) (结果图很丑,我会让你自己运行代码,而不是在这里重现它!)

查看 ?par 帮助页面以及相关的Quick-R 教程,了解您可以更改以修饰或注释基本 R 图的参数概述。

Ok, first timer here so please be generous with positive votings :)好的,第一次来这里,所以请慷慨地投赞成票:)

Other than ggplot2 I dont think you need anything fancy.除了 ggplot2 我认为你不需要任何花哨的东西。 Here is a Time-Series-Plot for your panel-background, axis-text and axis-title aaaand some way to add nice vertical lines to mark important days.这是您的面板背景、轴文本和轴标题 aaa 的时间序列图,以及一些添加漂亮垂直线以标记重要日子的方法。

  ggplot(aes(x=Date, y=Transactions))+geom_line(colour='gold', size=1)+
  theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill='#363636'), plot.background = element_rect(fill='#363636'), 
        axis.text = element_text(colour='white', size = 10), axis.title = element_text(colour='white', size=12), 
        plot.title = element_text(colour='white'))+
  geom_vline(xintercept = as.Date(c('2020-11-08', '2020-11-29')), col='red', size=1)+
  labs(title='Abokäufe insgesammt')

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