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[英]Trouble setting combobox selectedindex from another form

I am trying to set the selectedindex on another form (form2) based on the user selected index on the first form (form1). 我试图根据用户在第一个窗体(form1)上选择的索引来在另一个窗体(form2)上设置selectedindex。

I am getting the value with this code but it returns a negative number. 我正在用此代码获取值,但它返回一个负数。

public int SelectedComboIndex
   get { return comboBox1.SelectedIndex; }

And I am trying to set the comboBox Index by 我正在尝试通过以下方式设置comboBox Index

comboBox1.SelectedIndex = form1.SelectedComboIndex;

Can anyone point me in the right direction as to how to do this? 谁能为我指出正确的方向?

Edit: More code for where its calling the code on form1 编辑:更多代码,用于调用form1上的代码

Form1 form1 = null;
public Form2(Form1 parentForm1) : this()
    form1 = parentForm1;

A combobox returns a negative value (-1 normally) if no index is selected. 如果未选择索引,则组合框将返回负值(通常为-1)。

So I believe (I have not checked) that if you set a negative value for the SelectedIndex property, all you are going to do is clear the selection in your combobox. 因此,我相信(我尚未检查),如果您为SelectedIndex属性设置了负值,您要做的就是清除组合框中的选择。

Hope that helps. 希望能有所帮助。

Best practice is to usually leave any sort of UI alterations in the Load method of the form, that way the form has a chance to initialize properly and all bindings are setup before you actually make changes. 最佳实践通常是在窗体的Load方法中保留任何类型的UI更改,这样,窗体就有机会正确初始化并且在实际进行更改之前已设置所有绑定。 The Constructors should only be used to set internal state. 构造函数仅应用于设置内部状态。

private Form1 _parentForm;
public Form2(Form1 parentForm) : this()
    _parentForm = parentForm;

public Form2()

private void Form2_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    richTextBox1.Font = new Font("Times New Roman", 12f, FontStyle.Regular); 
    if(_parentForm != null)
        comboBox1.SelectedIndex = _parentForm.SelectedComboIndex; 
    comboBox1.DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList; 

Try that out and see if it works. 试试看,看看是否可行。 Just be sure to add the Load handler to the form properly (either through the designer or in code via this.Load += new EventHandler(Form2_Load) 只需确保将Load处理程序正确添加到表单即可(通过设计器或通过this.Load += new EventHandler(Form2_Load)在代码中this.Load += new EventHandler(Form2_Load)

Note: You should rename all your components to something more useful than controlType1, controlType2 etc. This is good for both you and us.

As other people said if form1.SelectedComboIndex returns -1 (because form1.comboBox1 has nothing selected) then the line comboBox1.SelectedIndex = form1.SelectedComboIndex will (correctly) set comboBox1 's value to nothing. 正如其他人所说,如果form1.SelectedComboIndex返回-1(因为form1.comboBox1没有选择任何内容),那么comboBox1.SelectedIndex = form1.SelectedComboIndex行将(正确)将comboBox1的值设置comboBox1.SelectedIndex = form1.SelectedComboIndex

Additionally, just because there's text present in your ComboBox doesn't mean it's got a selected value. 另外,仅因为ComboBox中存在文本并不意味着它具有选定的值。 Make sure you combo box has actually selected a value (not just changed its text). 确保您的组合框确实选择了一个值(而不只是更改了其文本)。 You can force picking a value by setting the DropDownStyle to DropDownList . 您可以强制通过设置选择一个值DropDownStyleDropDownList Both other styles allow user entry of custom values. 其他两种样式均允许用户输入自定义值。

If you want users to be able to type, then consider setting AutoCompleteMode to SuggestAppend and AutoCompleteSource to ListItems . 如果希望用户能够键入,则可以考虑将AutoCompleteMode设置为SuggestAppend ,将AutoCompleteSourceListItems This makes it easier to correctly select values from the combobox rather than just change the text (accidentally leaving it null). 这使得更容易从组合框中正确选择值,而不仅仅是更改文本(偶然将其保留为空)。

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