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[英]How do I define a static array to member functions of a templated class?

I want to do the following :- 我想做以下事情:

#include <iostream>

template <typename I>
class A {
    I member_;
    void f() {}
    void g() {}
    typedef void (A::*fptr) ();
    static const fptr arr[];

template <typename I>
A<I>::fptr A<I>::arr[] = {

How do I do this? 我该怎么做呢? I get the following errors :- 我收到以下错误:

g++ memeber_func_ptr_array.cpp 
memeber_func_ptr_array.cpp:14:1: error: need ‘typename’ before ‘A<I>::fptr’ because ‘A<I>’ is a dependent scope
memeber_func_ptr_array.cpp:17:2: error: expected unqualified-id before ‘;’ token

Two things. 两件事情。

  1. fptr is a dependent type so you need typename : fptr是一个从属类型,因此您需要typename

     template <typename I> const typename A<I>::fptr A<I>::arr[2] = { // also note the 2 and the const &A<I>::f, &A<I>::g }; 

    And as jrok noted in the comments, your declaration is const so the definition must be const as well. 正如评论中jrok所指出的,您的声明是const因此定义也必须是const

  2. Client code (files that just include the header) needs to know how big the array is so you need the actual size of the array in the declaration: 客户端代码(仅包含标题的文件)需要知道数组的大小,因此您需要在声明中使用数组的实际大小:

     static const fptr arr[2]; // include size 

    You can only use the automatic deduction of the size of the array when the array is declared and initialised in the same place. 仅当在同一位置声明和初始化数组时,才可以使用自动减小数组的大小。

You need to add const typename before A<I>::fptr . 您需要在A<I>::fptr之前添加const typename The typename is there to tell the compiler that fptr is a type within A<I> . typename是否有告诉编译器fptr是中的一个类型A<I>

You might want to look at C++ Templates: The Complete Guide by Vandevoorde and Josuttis for more information. 您可能需要查看Vandevoorde和Josuttis撰写的C ++模板:完整指南,以获取更多信息。

Use typename as: 使用typename作为:

  template <typename I>
  typename A<I>::fptr A<I>::arr[] = { &A<I>::f, &A<I>::g };
//^^^^^^^^note this

It is because fptr is a dependent type. 这是因为fptr从属类型。

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