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[英]CSS way to restrict line break for text

I have maybe a little bit strange task, but I belive there is no better solution. 我可能有点奇怪的任务,但我相信没有更好的解决方案。 I need to have <ul> in some container which width is changeable and with inlined <li> elements of fixed width. 我需要在某个容器中有<ul> ,宽度可以更改,并且内联<li>固定宽度的元素。 I should (and already found solution) put spaces between <li> elems of same width. 我应该(并且已经找到解决方案)在相同宽度的<li>元素之间放置空格。 Width of spaces is changes dynamicaly and depends of parental container width. 空间宽度是动态变化,取决于父容器宽度。 Again, this <li> items have fixed width. 同样,这个<li>项目具有固定的宽度。

I also should place some links above this described elements. 我还应该在这个描述的元素之上放置一些链接。 For some reasons links must be in other <ul> element. 由于某些原因,链接必须在其他<ul>元素中。 They also wrapped in inlined <li> elems. 他们还包括内联的<li>元素。 And I want them to be positioned right above described <li> items. 我希望它们位于所描述的<li>项目的正上方。 This can be done by setting fixed width of <li> items as above. 这可以通过如上设置<li>项目的固定宽度来完成。 Now, the problem is that text in every link is actualy have different width and will break into two lines, but I must place it into one line. 现在,问题是每个链接中的文本实际上具有不同的宽度并且会分成两行,但我必须将它放在一行中。

So I want to trick browser: text will be overflowing <li> items. 所以我想欺骗浏览器:文本将溢出<li>项目。

.liElem {
  width: 100px;
  height: 20px;
  overflow: visible;

But, as you may guess, text is breaking into two lines and overflowing actually the bottom of list items, not the right side. 但是,正如您可能猜到的那样,文本分为两行,实际上是列表项的底部,而不是右侧。

The effect I wanted can be done by inserting &nbsp; 我想要的效果可以通过插入&nbsp;来完成&nbsp; insted of spaces in text like this: <li><a href="#">Add&nbsp;to&nbsp;Favourites</a></li> . 在这样的文本中插入空格: <li><a href="#">Add&nbsp;to&nbsp;Favourites</a></li>

So, my question is this: how in css-way make usual text NOT to break into several lines ? 所以,我的问题是:如何以css方式使通常的文字不要分成几行?

.nobr  { white-space:nowrap; }

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