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在Spring IDE中哪里保存关于html / jsp页面的css,javascript和图像文件?

[英]Where to keep the css, javascript and image files with respect to html/jsp pages in Spring IDE?

I am developing an web application in Spring MVC Framework with Eclipse Europa IDE and Tomcat server 我正在使用Eclipse Europa IDE和Tomcat服务器在Spring MVC Framework中开发Web应用程序

My directory structure is(partial): 我的目录结构是(部分):

- WebContent  
    - WEB-INF  
        - pages  
            - CSS  
            - images  
            - login.html  
        - dispatcher-servlet.xml  
        - web.xml  

In my login.html I have a link to a css file as 在我的login.html中,我有一个指向css文件的链接

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="CSS/loginregister.css" media="screen">

Since my login.html and CSS folder are in the same folder "pages" I thought this would work. 由于我的login.html和CSS文件夹位于同一文件夹“pages”中,我认为这样可行。
But NO . The css file didn't load (login.html appears smoothly) css文件未加载(login.html显示顺利)

I also tried: 我也尝试过:

<href="/CSS/loginregister.css"> <HREF = “/ CSS / loginregister.css”>
<href="pages/CSS/loginregister.css"> <HREF = “页面/ CSS / loginregister.css”>

I am accessing the login.html via my controller class . 我通过我的控制器类访问login.html。
my URL comes like this: http://localhost:8080/AccountCreation/login.htm 我的URL是这样的: http://localhost:8080/AccountCreation/login.htm

Can any one tell me where is the problem ? 谁能告诉我问题出在哪里?

Move your "pages" folder to be under WebContent instead of WEB-INF. 将“pages”文件夹移动到WebContent而不是WEB-INF。 JSP pages shold be protected under WEB-INF but not static files like css, js, html. JSP页面在WEB-INF下受到保护,但不受css,js,html等静态文件的保护。

The root of your application context is WebContent which would be referenced as 应用程序上下文的根是WebContent,它将被引用为


Best practise would say to create a folder WebContent/css and place your file loginregister.css in there. 最佳做法是创建一个文件夹WebContent / css并将文件loginregister.css放在那里。 Your link will then be 您的链接将是

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/loginregister.css" media="screen"> 

To test, you can simply enter the following URL in your browser to ensure that the css file is being served from your context root as expected 要进行测试,只需在浏览器中输入以下URL即可确保按预期从上下文根提供css文件


[EDIT] [编辑]

For your initial testing, also place your login.html in WebContent (eg WebContent/login.html ) as well, however you have mentioned you're using Spring so you'll probably end up replacing login.html with an equivalent JSP. 对于您的初始测试,也将您的login.html放在WebContent(例如WebContent/login.html )中,但是您已经提到过您正在使用Spring,因此您最终可能会使用等效的JSP替换login.html。


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