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[英]How to join an associative array into a string

I am trying to do this now and I wonder if there is a "the most used" method to join an associative array (it's values) into a string, delimited by a character. 我现在正试图这样做,我想知道是否有一个“最常用”的方法将一个关联数组(它的值)连接成一个由字符分隔的字符串。

For example, I have 例如,我有

var AssocArray = { id:0, status:false, text:'apple' };

The string resulted from joining the elements of this object will be 连接此对象的元素所产生的字符串将是

"0, false, 'apple'" or "0, 0, 'apple'"

if we join them with a "," character Any idea? 如果我们用“,”字符加入他们任何想法? Thanks! 谢谢!

Object.keys(AssocArray).map(function(x){return AssocArray[x];}).join(',');

PS: there is Object.values method somewhere, but it's not a standard. PS:某处有Object.values方法,但它不是标准。 And there are also external libraries like hashish . 还有像hashish这样的外部库。

Just loop through the array. 只需循环遍历数组。 Any array in JavaScript has indices, even associative arrays: JavaScript中的任何数组都有索引,甚至是关联数组:

    var AssocArray = { id:0, status:false, text:'apple' };
    var s = "";
    for (var i in AssocArray) {
       s += AssocArray[i] + ", ";
    document.write(s.substring(0, s.length-2));

Will output: 0, false, apple 输出: 0, false, apple

The implementation of functions like Object.map , Object.forEach and so on is still being discussed. Object.mapObject.forEach等函数的实现仍在讨论中。 For now, you can stick with something like this: 现在,你可以坚持这样的事情:

function objectJoin(obj, sep) {
    var arr = [], p, i = 0;
    for (p in obj)
        arr[i++] = obj[p];
    return arr.join(sep);

Edit : using a temporary array and joining it instead of string concatenation for performance improvement. 编辑 :使用临时数组并加入它而不是字符串连接以提高性能。

Edit 2 : it seems that arr.push(obj[p]); 编辑2 :似乎是arr.push(obj[p]); instead of incrementing a counter can actually be faster in most of recent browsers. 在大多数最近的浏览器中,而不是递增计数器实际上可以更快 See comments. 看评论。

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