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[英]as3 document class doesn't load

I have a document class in my project and after I update it and put it on server the flash player loads the old version. 我的项目中有一个文档类,将其更新并放在服务器上后,Flash Player会加载旧版本。 It doesn't save in the cache memory which I clean every time I test the results, but seems to work when I change the name and modify the swf's doc class. 它不会保存在每次测试结果时都会清除的缓存中,但是当我更改名称并修改swf的doc类时,它似乎可以工作。 Any idea how I could get around this? 知道我该如何解决吗? My document class is in the same folder the swf is, if it matters. 如果重要的话,我的文档类位于swf所在的文件夹中。

You must recompile your .swf locally and reupload that to your server. 您必须在本地重新编译.swf并将其重新上传到服务器。 Any classes (.as files) are compiled into the .swf and not loaded by the .swf In fact, there's no reason to put any source code on a server, just like there's no reason to upload a .fla file. 任何类(.as文件)都将编译到.swf中,而不会由.swf加载。实际上,没有理由将任何源代码放置在服务器上,就像没有理由上载.fla文件一样。

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