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[英]How to execute multiple mysql queries together in PHP?

I want to a select query and an insert query that I want to do them together using function(mysql_query),but it's not working. 我想要一个选择查询和插入查询,我想使用函数(mysql_query)一起完成它们,但它不起作用。 I'm tying to do somthing like this: 我想要做这样的事情:

$sql="select * from texts; insert into date ('time') values ('2012');";

is there any way to do it? 有什么办法吗?

mysql_query() sends a unique query (multiple queries are not supported) . mysql_query()发送唯一查询(不支持多个查询) That's the default behaviour.However there is a bypass for this. 这是默认的行为。但是有一个旁路。

However the result code of the first query alone will be given as output of mysql_query() if you do this. 但是,如果执行此操作,则第一个查询的结果代码将作为mysql_query()输出给出。

You just have to pass flag 65536 as mysql_connect's 5th parameter . 您只需将标志65536作为mysql_connect的第5个参数传递。 the flag is defined in MySQL Client flags . 该标志在MySQL Client标志中定义。

#define CLIENT_MULTI_STATEMENTS 65536 /* Enable/disable multi-stmt support */
#define CLIENT_MULTI_RESULTS 131072 /* Enable/disable multi-results */

So edit your mysql_connect() code to match this: 所以编辑你的mysql_connect()代码来匹配这个:

mysql_connect($host, $username, $password, false, 65536);

Warning: 警告:

  1. You will get the result of mysql_query($query) for the first query only in the given $query . 只有在给定的$query中,您才能获得第一个查询的mysql_query($query)结果。 You can try concatenating 131072 with 65536 for getting multiple results. 您可以尝试将13107265536连接以获得多个结果。
  2. This will not work on PHP < 4.3.0 这不适用于PHP <4.3.0
  3. This will not work if sql.safe_mode is set as 1 in php.ini 如果在php.ini sql.safe_mode设置为1,则sql.safe_mode

Another alternative will be to use mysqli instead of mysql library. 另一种方法是使用mysqli而不是mysql库。 It supports $mysqli->multi_query() and gives output within an array for each query. 它支持$mysqli->multi_query()并为每个查询提供数组内的输出。


mysql_query() doesn't support multiple queries execution in normal way. mysql_query()不支持以正常方式执行多个查询。 use something like below. 使用类似下面的东西。

$str="query1;query2;"; // say $str="select * from texts; insert into date ('time') values ('2012');";

$query = explode(';',$str);

// Run the queries
foreach($query as $index => $sql)
   $result = mysql_query($sql);    
   // Perform an additional operations here

None of the mysql api can deal with several queries simultaneously, even mysql consol utility parses your input and executes one query after another and php's mysql_query doesn't. 没有mysql api可以同时处理几个查询,甚至mysql consol实用程序解析你的输入并执行一个接一个的查询而php的mysql_query没有。 You just can write your own function doing it or just put all queries in an array and execute mysql_query for each element in a loop. 您可以编写自己的函数,或者只是将所有查询放在一个数组中,并为循环中的每个元素执行mysql_query。

You can use mysqli_multi_query function but with PHP mysqli extension. 您可以使用mysqli_multi_query函数,但使用PHP mysqli扩展。 (I recommend you to use mysqli instead of mysql extension of PHP because it includes much more features & facilities) (我建议你使用mysqli而不是PHP的mysql扩展,因为它包含更多的功能和设施)

mysql_query() sends a unique query mysql_query()发送一个唯一的查询

see mysql_query mysql_query

for multiple query you can see mysqli 对于多个查询,您可以看到mysqli

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