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[英]Trigger the css:hover event with js

I have <div class="animate"> and in css: 我有<div class="animate">并在CSS中:

//do stuff

But would also like to invoke this via javascript. 但也想通过javascript调用它。

Is it possible? 可能吗?

As described in Trigger css hover with JS this is not possible as-is (if you want it as described exactly at the time of the creation of this answer). 使用JS触发CSS悬停中所述,这是不能原样进行的(如果要按照创建此答案时的确切说明进行操作)。

But the main goal is achievable by: 但主要目标是可以达到的:

  1. Setting a class hover (or whatever name) as well as the selector :hover in the CSS. 在CSS中设置类hover (或任何名称)以及选择器:hover
  2. Calling .addClass("hover") to trigger CSS, and .trigger("hover") or .trigger("mouseenter") to trigger the JS. 调用.addClass("hover")触发CSS,并.trigger("hover").trigger("mouseenter")触发JS。
  3. Ensuring the mouseleave handler. 确保mouseleave处理程序。 or 2nd .hover() handler, clears the hover class if present. 或第二个.hover()处理函数,清除hover类(如果存在)。

Instead of doing it this way, I suggest you just add a class to the other tag. 建议您不要在其他标签中添加一个类,而不要这样做。 In jQuery it would be: 在jQuery中,它将是:

 $(window).load(function() {

I'd recommend using this method, because it handles both onMouseOver and onMouseOut (this way you can also remove the class when your mouse leaves $('.trigger-animate') if you so desired using this syntax: 我建议使用此方法,因为它同时处理onMouseOver和onMouseOut(这样,如果您愿意,可以使用以下语法在鼠标离开$('。trigger-animate')时删除该类:

.hover( handlerIn(eventObject), handlerOut(eventObject) )
 checking out the documentation

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