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I would open a tableview pressing a button. 我将按下一个按钮打开一个tableview。 I made several attempts, according to this scheme: 根据此方案,我做了几次尝试:

- (IBAction)menuContext:(id)sender {
    //ViewController2 *xx = [[ViewController2 alloc] init];
    //ViewControllerXXX *xx = [[ViewControllerXXX alloc] init];
    ViewController2 *xx = [[ApplicationModel sharedInstance] getView2];

    UIPopoverController *over = [[UIPopoverController alloc] initWithContentViewController:xx];

    [over setDelegate: (id) self];

    [over presentPopoverFromBarButtonItem:sender permittedArrowDirections:UIPopoverArrowDirectionAny animated: YES];


but just clicks the button the program crashes ... 但是只要点击按钮,程序就会崩溃...
ViewController2 is a subclass of UITableViewController. ViewController2是UITableViewController的子类。 I can use it on the popover? 我可以在弹出窗口上使用它吗? thanks 谢谢


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