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[英]Tracking method invocations in Groovy closure

I'm writing a small DSL for reactive evaluation, need help with metaprogramming in Groovy. 我正在编写用于响应性评估的小型DSL,在Groovy中进行元编程时需要帮助。

Sample DSL code: DSL示例代码:

Signal<Integer> a = var(1)
Signal<Integer> b = var(2)
Signal<Integer> c = signal { a(it) + b(it) }

The 'var' function creates new Signal instance. 'var'函数创建新的Signal实例。

The signal function needs a list of Signal instances inside the closure (references to a and b in example). signal函数需要在闭包内部有一个Signal实例列表(示例中引用ab )。

Working implementation: 工作实施:

interface Signal<T> {
    T now()

Signal.metaClass.call = { dependencies ->

def signal = { Closure<?> body ->
    def dependencies = new HashSet<>()
    createSignal(dependencies, body)

Is there any way to awoit passing it variable, so sample looks like 有没有什么办法awoit路过it的变量,因此样品看起来像

Signal<Integer> a = var(1)
Signal<Integer> b = var(2)
Signal<Integer> c = signal { a() + b() }

EDIT: Stub Signal implementation for testing: 编辑:存根Signal实现的测试:

class SignalStub<T> implements Signal<T> {
    T value
    Collection<Signal<?>> dependencies

    static def var(value) { new SignalStub<>(value: value, dependencies: [])}
    static def createSignal(deps, body) { new SignalStub<Object>(value: body.call(), dependencies: deps) }

    T now() {
        return value

Test case for DSL: DSL测试用例:

def a = var(1)
def b = var(2)

def c = signal { a() + b() }

assert c.now() == 3
assert c.dependencies.contains(a)
assert c.dependencies.contains(b)

The question is: "Is there a way to avoid passing the it variable?" 问题是:“是否有避免传递it变量的方法?” Since a and b are local variables and local variables are not taking part in the MOP, it should be impossible to do using runtime meta programming. 由于a和b是局部变量,并且局部变量不参与MOP,因此使用运行时元编程应该是不可能的。

Using a transform it is possible, but I don't know if you want to go that far here 使用变换是可能的,但我不知道您是否想在这里走那么远

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