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[英]Error handling with RSYNC

What would be the simplest way to check if a remote SSH rsync fails from the host? 检查远程SSH rsync是否从主机失败的最简单方法是什么?

I don't care if the file couldn't be found, if a connection couldn't be established, or if RSYNC's dog died and had to attend its funeral. 我不在乎是否找不到该文件,是否无法建立连接,或者RSYNC的狗是否死亡并必须参加其葬礼。 How would I specify: 我将如何指定:

if RSYNC fails, do something? 如果RSYNC失败,该怎么办?

EDIT: RSYNC SSH not Daemon. 编辑:RSYNC SSH不是守护程序。

you could create a bash script, such as: 您可以创建一个bash脚本,例如:

if ssh <server> rsync; then
    echo "SUCCESS"
    echo "FAIL"

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