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[英]Javascript: this reference within a property function

This is intended to use on the browser. 旨在在浏览器上使用。

function keyboardJS () {
    this.keys = {};
keyboardJS.prototype = {
    keyIsUp : function (evt) {
      this.ASCIIkey = evt.keyCode;
      this.CHARkey = String.fromCharCode(this.ASCIIkey);
      this.keys[this.CHARkey] = false;
      console.log(this.CHARkey + " is now " + this.keys[this.CHARkey]);
    keyIsDown : function (evt) {
      this.ASCIIkey = evt.keyCode;
      this.CHARkey = String.fromCharCode(this.ASCIIkey);
      this.keys[this.CHARkey] = true;
      console.log(this.CHARkey + " is now " + this.keys[this.CHARkey]);
    init : function () {
      document.addEventListener("keydown", this.keyIsDown);
      document.addEventListener("keyup", this.keyIsUp);

var game = {};

game.myKeyboard = new keyboardJS();

However, (console.log(this);) returns "#document". 但是,(console.log(this);)返回“ #document”。 How do I reference the object's properties within a prototype function? 如何在原型函数中引用对象的属性?

Try this... 尝试这个...

init : function () {
  document.addEventListener("keydown", this.keyIsDown.bind(this));
  document.addEventListener("keyup", this.keyIsUp.bind(this));

The this isn't magically bound when you pass a reference to a function, and in this context with addEventListener() , the this is what it is meant to be. 当您传递对函数的引用时, this并没有魔术般的绑定,在这种情况下,使用addEventListener()this就是它的本意。

Note that bind() isn't supported by our favourite older IEs. 请注意,我们最喜欢的旧版IE不支持bind()

You can shim it, pass functions which call your functions on your prototype or use a library that has a bind equivalent ( _.bind() in Underscore, $.proxy() in jQuery, etc). 您可以进行填充,传递在原型上调用函数的函数,或使用具有绑定等效项的库(在_.bind()$.proxy()在jQuery中$.proxy()等)。

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