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[英]Hide Label When input is in focus

I am having a form with label overlaying the input. 我有一个标签覆盖输入的表单。 Like in the below image 如下图所示


Below is a code example of the same. 下面是相同的代码示例。

<label for="edit-submitted-name--2">
<span class="form-required" title="This field is required.">*</span>
<input id="edit-submitted-name--2" class="form-text required" type="text" maxlength="128" size="35" value="" name="submitted[name]">

I want to use jquery and hide the label each time a user focus on the input. 我想使用jquery并在每次用户关注输入时隐藏标签。 Label should only be visible if the input is empty or if the input is not in focus. 仅当输入为空或输入未处于焦点时,才应显示标签。

  $("input").focus(function () {
          //hide the label corresponding to this input

How do i select the label corresponding to this input using jquery? 如何使用jquery选择与此输入对应的标签?

Note: I cant change anything much in the html as its generated by a module in Drupal. 注意:我不能在html中更改任何内容,因为它是由Drupal中的模块生成的。

placeholder attribute is the right tool for this job: 占位符属性是此作业的正确工具:

<input id="edit-submitted-name--2" class="form-text required" type="text" maxlength="128" size="35" placeholder="Name *" name="submitted[name]">

http://www.w3schools.com/html5/att_input_placeholder.asp http://www.w3schools.com/html5/att_input_placeholder.asp

But don't forget that label-less input fields are bad practice. 但不要忘记,无标签输入字段是不好的做法。 Placeholders should be treated like a hint. 占位符应该被视为提示。 They are not a replacement for labels. 它们不是标签的替代品。

Select the previous element from the current element. 从当前元素中选择前一个元素。




However, this isn't the purpose of the label element. 但是,这不是标签元素的目的。

Remy Bach has created Super Labels which does what you want, I would use his code, but if you're looking for something slightly different then you can use his code as a template. Remy Bach创建了超级标签,它可以满足您的需求,我会使用他的代码,但如果您正在寻找稍微不同的东西,那么您可以使用他的代码作为模板。

https://github.com/remybach/jQuery.superLabels https://github.com/remybach/jQuery.superLabels

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