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使用zbar sdk的条形码阅读器

[英]Barcode Reader using zbar sdk

I am working in barcode reader. 我在条形码阅读器工作。 I am using Zbar Sdk for read a barcode.My problem is that, very small barcode are not read. 我使用Zbar Sdk读取条形码。我的问题是,读取的条形码非常小。 I am confusing about : Is this a camera problem (iPad 2) or sdk problem plz suggest me. 我很困惑:这是一个相机问题(iPad 2)或sdk问题PLZ建议我。

Thanx 感谢名单

The iPad 2 camera does not have auto-focus. iPad 2相机没有自动对焦功能。 Zbar doesn't play well with fixed focus cameras: Zbar无法与定焦相机配合使用:

If your camera is fixed focus, you can try trading off between resolution and focus by playing with the distance of the symbol from the lens. 如果您的相机是固定焦距,您可以尝试在分辨率和焦距之间进行折衷,方法是使用镜头中符号的距离。 ymmv, but usually your only recourse in this case is to use a better capture device! ymmv,但通常你在这种情况下唯一的办法是使用更好的捕捉设备!

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