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[英]upload multiple file via jquery

This is my jquery code to upload multiple file. 这是我的jquery代码,可以上传多个文件。 Input file generated dynamically so i am calling this FileUploader function where these input file generated. 输入文件是动态生成的,所以我在生成这些输入文件的地方调用此FileUploader函数。 But I have to click twice to upload file. 但是我必须单击两次以上传文件。 Any ideas are appreciated. 任何想法表示赞赏。

FileUploader: function($dis) {
                    var fileName = '';
                    var $htm = $($dis.parents('div.sfFormInput').find('div.cssClassUploadFiles'));
                    var $ht = $($dis.parent('div.uploader'));
                    var extension = new RegExp($ht.attr('extension'), "i");

                    var upload = new AjaxUpload($('#' + $dis.attr('id') + ''), {
                        action: Path + "UploadHandler.ashx",
                        name: "myfile[]",
                        multiple: true,
                        data: {},
                        autoSubmit: true,
                        responseType: "json",
                        onChange: function(file, ext) {
                        onSubmit: function(file, ext) {
                            if ($ht.attr('almul') == "false" && $('div.cssClassUploadFiles').children('div').length > 0) {
                                csscody.alert('<h1>Alert Message</h1><p>You can upload only one file at  a time!</p>');
                                return false;
                            if (ext != "exe" && extension != '') {enter code here
                                if (ext && extension.test(ext)) {
                                        'MaxFileSize': $ht.attr('filesize')
                                } else {
                                    csscody.alert('<h1>Alert Message</h1><p>Not a valid file!</p>');
                                    return false;
                        onComplete: function(file, response) {
                            var html = '';
                            var filePath = Path + "/UploadedFiles + file;
                            if (file.split('.')[1] == "jpg" || file.split('.')[1] == "JPEG" || file.split('.')[1] == "gif" || file.split('.')[1] == "bmp" || file.split('.')[1] == "png")
                                html = '<div title="' + Path + "UploadedFiles + file + '" ><img height="10%" width="10%" src="' + filePath + '"/><a class="sfDeleteFile"><img src="../Modules/FormBuilder/images/closelabel.png" /></a></div>';
                                html = '<div title="' + Path + "UploadedFiles + file + '" >' + file + '  <a class="sfDeleteFile"><img src="../Modules/FormBuilder/images/closelabel.png" /></a></div>';

Code works but only issue is I have to click twice to upload file. 代码有效,但唯一的问题是我必须单击两次以上传文件。

The problem is not with the fileuploading part, rather looks like in the initialization part. 问题不在于文件上传部分,而在于初始化部分。 If your file upload control is dynamically created make sure you initialize the uploader after binding that in your markup. 如果您的文件上传控件是动态创建的,请确保在将其绑定到标记后初始化上传器。

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