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[英]Test equality of two functions in python

I want to make two functions equal to each other, like this: 我想让两个函数彼此相等,如下所示:

def fn_maker(fn_signature):
  def _fn():
  _fn.signature = fn_signature
  return _fn

# test equality of two function instances based on the equality of their signature values
>>> fa = fn_maker(1)
>>> fb = fn_maker(1)
>>> fc = fn_maker(2)
>>> fa == fb # should be True, same signature values
>>> fa == fc # should be False, different signature values

How should I do it? 我该怎么办? I know I could probably override eq and ne if fa, fb, fc are instances of some class. 我知道如果fa,fb,fc是某些类的实例,我可能会覆盖eqne But here eq is not in dir(fa) and adding it the list doesnt work. 但这里的eq不在dir(fa)中并且添加它,列表不起作用。 I figured out some workaround like using a cache, eg, 我想出了一些像使用缓存的解决方法,例如,

def fn_maker(fn_signature):
  if fn_signature in fn_maker.cache:
    return fn_maker.cache[fn_signature]
  def _fn():
  _fn.signature = fn_signature
  fn_maker.cache[fn_signature] = _fn
  return _fn
fn_maker.cache = {}

By this way there is a guarantee that there is only one function for the same signature value (kinda like a singleton). 通过这种方式可以保证只有一个函数用于相同的签名值(有点像单例)。 But I am really looking for some neater solutions. 但我真的在寻找一些更整洁的解决方案。


It is not possible to override the __eq__ implementation for functions (tested with Python 2.7) 无法覆盖__eq__实现(使用Python 2.7测试)

>>> def f():
...   pass
>>> class A(object):
...   pass
>>> a = A()
>>> a == f
>>> setattr(A, '__eq__', lambda x,y: True)
>>> a == f
>>> setattr(f.__class__, '__eq__', lambda x,y: True)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: can't set attributes of built-in/extension type 'function'

I don't think it's possible. 我不认为这是可能的。

But overriding __call__ seems a nice solution to me. 但重写__call__似乎是一个很好的解决方案。

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