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[英]Check the length of integer variable

Is there a way to check a lenth of integer variable, and if is to long just trim it. 有没有办法检查整数变量的长度,如果是长只是修剪它。 I hava a field in database that accepts 3 character, lenth is 3. 我在数据库中有一个接受3个字符的字段,lenth是3。

So is it possible to do like it's done with string variable 所以它可以像使用字符串变量一样完成

example: 例:

cust_ref = cust_ref.Length > 20 ? cust_ref.Substring(0, 19) : cust_ref; 

Thanks! 谢谢!

The easiest answer would be: 最简单的答案是:

//The length would be 3 chars.    
public int myint = 111;

The following worked a treat for me! 以下对我来说是一种享受!

public static int IntLength(int i)
  if (i < 0)
    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
  if (i == 0)
    return 1;
  return (int)Math.Floor(Math.Log10(i)) + 1;

Original Source: http://www.java2s.com/Code/CSharp/Data-Types/Getthedigitlengthofanintvalue.htm 原始资料来源: http//www.java2s.com/Code/CSharp/Data-Types/Getthedigitlengthofanintvalue.htm

You don't have to convert it to a string to make it shorter, that can be done numerically: 您不必将其转换为字符串以使其更短,可以通过数字方式完成:

if (num > 999) {
  num %= 1000;

This will cut of digits from the left, if you want to cut them off from the right: 如果你想从右边剪下它们,这将从左边剪下数字:

while (num > 999) {
  num /= 10;

If the value can be negative, also check: 如果值可以是负数,也请检查:

if (num < -99) {
  num = -(-num % 100);

or: 要么:

while (num < -99) {
  num = -(-num / 10);
cust_ref = cust_ref.ToString().Length > 20 ? Convert.ToInt32(cust_ref.ToString().Substring(0, 19)) : cust_ref; 


cust_ref = Convert.ToInt32(Convert.ToString(cust_ref).Substring(0, 19));


 cust_ref=   cust_ref.Tostring().Length > 20 ? Convert.ToInt32(cust_ref.ToString().Substring(0, 19)) : cust_ref; 

Nont very clear what you're asking for, but as much as I unerstood you're asking for: 不是很清楚你要求的是什么,但是我理解你要求的是:

int a = 1234567890; 

for some reason you want to make it shorter, like 出于某种原因,你想让它更短,比如

 int b = MakeShorter(a); 
    //b == 1234 (say)

If so, the easiest solution may be, convert it to string, made what you already implemented and reconvert it back to int. 如果是这样,最简单的解决方案可能是,将其转换为字符串,制作已经实现的内容并将其重新转换回int。

If this is not what you're asking for, please clarify. 如果这不是您所要求的,请澄清。

The conversion to the string is ugly way to implement it. 转换为字符串是实现它的难看方式。

It's require a pure math solution 这需要一个纯粹的数学解决方案

int CutTheNumber(int number, int maxLen)
  var maxSize = (int)Math.Pow(10, maxlen);
  if(maxSize <= Math.Abs(number))
    number %= maxSize;

  return number;

Checking length 检查长度

     length = cust_ref.ToString().Length;

Remove extra bits 删除额外的位

       if (length > need)
           cust_ref =Convert.ToInt32( cust_ref.ToString().Remove(length -(length- need)));

for this u will have to do some simple stuffs. 为此,你将不得不做一些简单的事情。 like 喜欢

cust_ref = Convert.ToInt32(Convert.ToString(cust_ref).Substring(0, 19));

or u can manually store it in any variable and the 或者你可以手动将它存储在任何变量和

You can try this code. 您可以尝试此代码。 use if else statement to check the validation .. 使用if else语句检查验证..

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace avaragescore
    class Program

        static void Main(string[] args)
            float quiz;
            float midterm;
            float final;
            float avrg=0;
            Console.WriteLine("Please enter the Quize Score here");
            quiz = float.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
            if(quiz > 100)
                Console.WriteLine("You have entered wrong score please re-enter");
                goto Start;
            Console.WriteLine("Please enter the Midterm Score here");
            midterm = float.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
            if(midterm > 100)
                Console.WriteLine("You have entered wrong score please re- enter");
                goto Start1;
            Console.WriteLine("Please enter the Final Score here");
            final = float.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
            if(final > 100)
                Console.WriteLine("You have entered wrong Score Please re-enter");
                goto Start3;
            avrg = (quiz + midterm + final) / 3;

            if(avrg >= 90)
                Console.WriteLine("Your Score is {0} , You got A grade",avrg);
            else if (avrg >= 70 && avrg < 90)
                Console.WriteLine("Your Score is {0} , You got B grade", avrg);
            else if (avrg >= 50 && avrg < 70)
                Console.WriteLine("Your Score is {0} , You got C grade", avrg);
            else if (avrg < 50)
                Console.WriteLine("Yor Score is {0} , You are fail", avrg);
                Console.WriteLine("You enter invalid Score");

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