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使用OLE2的Oracle Forms无法在3层设置中保存Excel文档

[英]Oracle Forms using OLE2 not saving Excel document on 3-tier setup

System setup: 系统设置:

3-Tier environment
Client Machine - doesn't matter
Web-Tier - Not sure.  Probably Windows Server 2008 64 bit
       -Jdk 7u3
App Server - Windows Server 2008 64 bit
       -Weblogic Server 10.3.6
       -Excel 2010
       -Jdk 7u3
Database Server - Not sure. Probably Windows Server 2008 64 bit.
       -Oracle Database 11g

Programming using Oracle Forms

Now, my problem is that when we had designed they system, everything but the database was on one PC. 现在,我的问题是,当我们设计它们的系统时,除了数据库之外的所有东西都在一台PC上。 I was able to read and write Excel documents no problem at all. 我能够读写Excel文档完全没有问题。 Then we moved everything to a tiered setup where we had the client, app server and database server. 然后,我们将所有内容移至具有客户端,应用程序服务器和数据库服务器的分层设置。 Everything still worked great. 一切仍然很好。 Finally they set up the 3-tiered system and that's where I ran into my problems. 最终,他们建立了3层系统,这就是我遇到的问题。

When I have Oracle Forms write to the Excel document the code appears to execute without any errors until I try to copy the file from the App Server using Webutil. 当我将Oracle Forms写入Excel文档时,该代码似乎可以正常执行,直到我尝试使用Webutil从App Server复制文件为止。

PROCEDURE Export_to_Excel IS
 -- Declare the OLE objects
 application OLE2.OBJ_TYPE;
 workbooks OLE2.OBJ_TYPE;
 workbook OLE2.OBJ_TYPE;
 worksheets OLE2.OBJ_TYPE;
 worksheet OLE2.OBJ_TYPE;
 --cell OLE2.OBJ_TYPE;
 range OLE2.OBJ_TYPE;
 range_col OLE2.OBJ_TYPE;

 -- Declare handles to OLE argument lists
 p_filename VARCHAR(255);

 p_file Text_IO.File_Type;
 p_filename_client      VARCHAR2(500);
 v_filename                     VARCHAR2(500);
 v_error                            VARCHAR2(500);
 passed_filename            VARCHAR2(500);

 -- Retrieve user specific directory to create new file in
 p_filename := Webutil_file_transfer.get_work_area;

 -- Start Excel 

 -- Return object handle to the Workbooks collection 
 workbooks:=OLE2.GET_OBJ_PROPERTY(application, 'Workbooks');

 -- Add a new Workbook object to the Workbooks collection

 -- Return object handle to the Worksheets collection for the Workbook
 worksheets:=OLE2.GET_OBJ_PROPERTY(workbook, 'Worksheets');

 -- Set up the Header worksheet
 OLE2.ADD_ARG(args, 1);

 -- Build header form

 -- Autofit columns
 range := OLE2.GET_OBJ_PROPERTY( worksheet,'UsedRange');
 range_col := OLE2.GET_OBJ_PROPERTY( range,'Columns');
 OLE2.INVOKE( range_col,'AutoFit' );
 OLE2.RELEASE_OBJ( range );
 OLE2.RELEASE_OBJ( range_col );

 -- Set up the Item worksheet
 OLE2.ADD_ARG(args, 2);
 OLE2.set_property(worksheet,'Name','Item List');

 -- Build Item sheet

 -- Delete the last worksheet that excel automatically creates
 OLE2.ADD_ARG(args, 3);
 OLE2.invoke(worksheet, 'Delete');

 -- Save as worksheet
 IF p_filename is not null THEN
        args := OLE2.CREATE_ARGLIST;
        OLE2.ADD_ARG( args, p_filename || :PARAMETER_B1.FILENAME || '.xlsx');
        OLE2.ADD_ARG( args, 56 );
        OLE2.INVOKE( workbook,'SaveAs',args );
        OLE2.DESTROY_ARGLIST( args );

 -- Close workbook
 OLE2.INVOKE( workbook ,'Close');

 -- Release the OLE objects
 OLE2.INVOKE(application, 'Quit');

 --Check if file was writen correctly
 p_file := text_io.fopen(p_filename || :PARAMETER_B1.FILENAME || '.xlsx','r');

 --Added the following code
 passed_filename := :PARAMETER_B1.FILENAME || '.xlsx';
 v_filename := p_filename || passed_filename;

 -- Popup a dialog box to allow user to select the location to save the file
 p_filename_client := CLIENT_GET_FILE_NAME ( 'C:\', passed_filename, NULL, 'Select A Directory', SAVE_FILE, FALSE );

 if p_filename_client is null then
      message ('Creation of the spreadsheet has been canceled.');
        raise form_trigger_failure;
 end if;

 -- File Transfer to Client
 PROCESS_COMM_FILE_CLIENT.FILE_TRANSFER('O', p_filename_client, v_filename, null, v_error);

      WHEN others THEN
                message( SQLERRM( SQLCODE ) ) ;
        if p_filename_client is not null then
          MESSAGE('An error occurred while creating file.');
      end if;

The code fails at the FILE_TRANSFER because the form does not get created on the App Server like it is supposed to. 该代码在FILE_TRANSFER处失败,因为该窗体未按预期在App Server上创建。

A related problem that is occuring is that when I try to upload the excel document and read it in to oracle I get a ORA-305500 error. 发生的一个相关问题是,当我尝试上传excel文档并将其读入oracle时,出现ORA-305500错误。 I have tried to have the DBA uninstall and reinstall Excel and made sure all of the features/add-ons were included during the installation but the problem still hasn't been fixed. 我试图卸载DBA并重新安装Excel,并确保在安装过程中包括了所有功能/附加组件,但问题仍未得到解决。

Could someone please give me some suggestions on what to do to fix this problem or continue to problem shoot this? 有人可以给我一些有关解决此问题或继续解决问题的建议吗?

Thanks, 谢谢,

Bill 法案

Check your $ORACLE_HOME/forms/server/webutil.cfg , if there is any restriction in reading directories. 检查$ORACLE_HOME/forms/server/webutil.cfg ,如果在读取目录中没有任何限制。

Basically, check the parameters "transfer.appsrv.read.<n>=/.../.../". 基本上检查参数"transfer.appsrv.read.<n>=/.../.../".

If the problem relates to the actual generation of the file using OLE, then I would sugest that you create the directory: 如果问题与使用OLE实际生成文件有关,那么我建议您创建目录:


The OLE code in Oracle Forms checks in this directory for OLE configuration settings. Oracle Forms中的OLE代码在此目录中检查OLE配置设置。 It doesn't matter if the directory is empty, only that it exists! 目录是否为空并不重要,只有目录存在!

If I am understanding your problem, you intend to save the file in the client machine. 如果我了解您的问题,则打算将文件保存在客户端计算机中。 Now assuming you are using WEB_FORMS (ie you use a web browser to access forms application), you can use the code below to save the file from AS to client machine, instead of PROCESS_COMM_FILE_CLIENT.FILE_TRANSFER . 现在,假设您正在使用WEB_FORMS(即,使用Web浏览器访问表单应用程序),则可以使用以下代码将文件从AS保存到客户端计算机,而不是PROCESS_COMM_FILE_CLIENT.FILE_TRANSFER The OLE objects create the file at the AS, you need to get the file from AS (App server) to local machine- OLE对象在AS处创建文件,您需要将文件从AS(应用服务器)获取到本地计算机,

l_success := webutil_file_transfer.AS_to_Client_with_progress 
     (clientFile => 'c:\fine.xlsx' 
     ,serverFile => 'c:\data\file.xlsx' 
     ,progressTitle => 'Save file in progress' 
     ,progressSubTitle => 'Please wait');
if l_success then 
     message('File saved successfully'); 
     message('Cannot save file'); 
end if;

The abve code should show a "Save file in progress" pop up box with progress bar to show that your file is being saved to local machine. 上面的代码应显示一个带有进度条的“正在保存文件”弹出框,以表明您的文件已保存到本地计算机。

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